2019-06-01 net

(Brent) #1





In many professions, the onus is on how much
you’ve personally sweated, rather than the
results that you’ve achieved. Fortunately, web design
isn’t afflicted by this delusion. In fact, the best
designers are often those that recognise we achieve
our optimum results by building on the work of
others and standing on the shoulders of giants.
Perhaps the best example of this is through the
pervasive use of APIs. By plumbing the excellent
dev work of others into our code base, we can make
sites and apps that offer our users innovative
functionality without having to reinvent the wheel.
That’s why this issue we’ve asked Tam Hanna to

profile 19 of the most groundbreaking APIs available,
so you can add awesome functionality developed by
giants like Apple, Google and Mozilla to your sites.
But that’s not all we have to offer. We’re also
taking a look at the role colour can play in your
designs and how picking the perfect palette can help
you optimise your user journey. Additionally, we run
down how you can reduce the cognitive strain your
designs place on users. And, in the first of a two
parter, we show you how you can use Unity to create
a WebGL game that can be published on multiple
platforms without any hassle.
Enjoy the issue!



Hanna is an electrical engineer who’s
seen the web morph from static
content delivery to an environment
able to run advanced apps. On page
60, he guides you through the most
innovative APIs currently available.
Insta: @tam.hanna



Garity is the founder of both UX
Triggers and Candorem. On page 68,
he shows you how you can use colour
theory to meet user expectations and
optimise your user journey.
w: joshuagarity.com
t: @iamlucid



Van der Walt is chief security
strategy officer at SecureData and
an expert in the offensive paradigm
inherent in information security. On
page 22, he explores why the global
internet is heading towards a schism.
w: secdata.com



Mattka is an award-winning creative
director, designer and developer.
He reveals how you can create and
publish a simple WebGL game in
Unity on page 76.
w: richardmattka.com
t: @synergyseeker
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