2019-06-01 net

(Brent) #1

Inspirational sites


Imagination and playfulness can go a long way when it
comes to branding and this online home for Exeter’s
Aquamarine is a great example of that. As an agency its stock
in trade is pay-per-click marketing and social media
management, alongside services across web content and
strategy, with this site serving as an introduction to the team.
Designed and built by Bigger Picture, it deftly uses bold bursts
of colour and chunky font work to elevate a fairly clean
aesthetic. By introducing dynamic animations and slick scroll
effects, it is a chance to convey Aquamarine’s personality.
“It’s also an opportunity to redefine and deliver something
that’s truly memorable, ultimately using design to drive
business growth,” adds Bigger Picture’s Mike Newbon. “We

wanted to show how Aquamarine had matured as a brand
whilst staying true to their quirky nature. I was lucky to have
free reign in design and create something that would engage
the target audience. The result? A brand made for the digital
world, a website with interactive features and a design system
that provides the right balance of flexibility and consistency.”


Sensational design and superb development


Billen is a freelance writer who
has been writing about web
design and technology for over
15 years.
w: markbillen.com
t: @Mark_Billen
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