2019-06-01 net

(Brent) #1

Inspirational sites


Several years ago, the team at interactive production
agency makemepulse decided to formulate plans for
what became its ‘wishes’ series of side projects. This special
in-house initiative would give the team a respite from
commercial work to pursue creative passions, while
developing skills and techniques useful for client
commissions. Nomadic Tribe is the latest result, doubling as a
digital New Year card for 2019 and something of a love letter
to French artist Jean ‘Moebius’ Giraud. Famous for his comic-
book output for titles such as Heavy Metal, his talent for
imagining vividly colourful worlds is referenced beautifully
here with a WebGL masterclass. In fact the site applies the
company’s own engine, a microframework called NanoGL, to
streamline 3D rendering and deliver a compelling adventure
story. The illustrative style and animation is nothing short of
stunning, applying thick black cell-shaded outlines to achieve
a graphic novel aesthetic Moebius would be proud of. Little
touches of interactivity prompt mouse drags, clicks, taps and
holds to progress from scene to scene, following the titular
tribe to new lands. Everything is accompanied by a wonderful
audio score featuring a voiced narration produced with the
help of Parisian studio Press Play On Tape. Yes, this is one to
leave your speakers on for!




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