Inspirational sites
Based out of Saint Petersburg, Russia, Maxim
Shkret is a freelance digital artist. His
impressive new dotcom marries portfolio to
ecommerce marketplace, launching a novel
fundraising initiative. The site opens on a series of
four 3D models, or digital sculptures, that can be
dragged and rotated 360-degrees. Pig, Desert Fox,
Double-natured Unicorn and Melting Panda can be
spun left and right to achieve a favoured angle. By
clicking the ‘Buy this shot’ button, visitors can
purchase a digital image at various dimensions for
various prices. The proceeds will be pooled back
into transforming each digital model into real
physical sculptures using a 3D printing five-axis
CNC machining process. It’s a neat idea for inviting
contributors and shows how a crowdfunding
approach can be attached to a typically passive
experience. Site production credits include New
York’s Sochnik Design Studio, but the slick UI
efforts never overshadow Shkret’s talent. This
includes a simple Gallery section of still sculpture
shots that ripple and wave through a watery filter.
It’s a subtle effect, but heightens the sense of
texture Shkret intends to give each piece.