Builda voicecontrolled UI
17. Add purpose
Now as you have a working example, there needs to
be some purpose to the interface, so let’s make this so
that users can input reviews. Save the page and then
choose Save As, with the new name of ‘reviews.html’.
Add the following HTML elements just after the <div
id=”wrapper”> line.
<h1>Product Reviews</h1>
<div id=”reviews”></div>
18. Total Submission
The previous code will hold the reviews. The user
will need to submit their speech input, so add the
submit button right after the ‘clear text’ button,
which will be around line 28 in your code. Then
you can move down to the JavaScript for the
next step.
<button id=”submit” class=”button”>Submit
19. New interface elements
At the top of your Javascript add the new
variables to hold the references to the new interface
elements that have just been added. These will
provide you with a way to submit and display the
results on the screen within the ‘reviews’ section of
the page.
var submit = document.getElementById(‘submit’);
var review = document.getElementById(‘reviews’);
20. Submit the entry
Now the code here will handle when the user
clicks the submit button, place this right before the
‘clear’ button code, which should be around line
88 in your code. First, a paragraph tag is created
and the speech input is subsequently added
into this. This will then be added into the
‘review’ section.
submit.addEventListener(‘click’, function(){
let p = document.createElement(‘p’);
var textnode= document.createTextNode
let today= new Date();
let s = document.createElement(‘small’);
21. Final Submission
The date is added so that the review is timestamped
into the document. Finally a horizontal rule is added to
show where each review ends, then the text is cleared
ready for new input. Save the page and test this. You
will see that you can now submit your speech into the
page as reviews. For persistence you would need to
use a database to store these results.
textnode = document.createTextNode(today);
let hr = document.createElement(‘hr’);
transcription.textContent = ‘’;
60 ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttutorial