liventhepageup,usea second,static,SVGasa
5 .PlacetheSVG
page.If usingbootstrap,givetheSVGtheclass
‘img-fluid’tomakesureit scalesonmobiles.
6 .AddclassestotheSVG
times,creatinga morecomplexeffect.
<rectclass=”rectBackground” width=”147.4107”
height=”68.7917” x=”31.2946” y=”114.1042”
rx=”4.5882” ry=”3.9565” fill=”#2a7fff”/>
<pathclass=”rectText” d=”...”vector-
effect=”non-scaling-stroke” stroke-
width=”.470476156” font-size=”12”fill=”#fff”
Don’t overdo it
Whileanimation and movement can liven up a
page,givingit the wow factor, be careful not to
distractattention away from important parts of
theuserflow.Sublety is key
hen it comes to animating with
SVGs, one major turn-off can be
the idea of getting bogged
down in JavaScript libraries.
However, this doesn’t have to be the case. CSS can
handle selecting individual paths within an SVG to
create effects. Just knowing the basics can mean
that it’s possible to turn flat, cliched icons into
something a little more impressive. So perhaps it’s
time to run through the fundamental steps of SVG
optimisation and animation. When integrated into
different designs, it doesn’t take long to realise that
the possibilities are endless.
- Create and save
First, create an SVG to work with. For this tutorial,
we will be using a simple graphic made in Illustrator.
When using Illustrator to export an SVG reduce
the size of the artboard to fit the graphic, then click
‘Save As’. Select SVG from the ‘save as type’
dropdown menu, then ‘SVG code...’ on the SVG
Options dialogue.
2. Optimise for the web
Cutting out unnecessary tags will make the image
easier to deal with. This can be done manually by
copying the code to your favourite editor and
removing empty tags and metadata. Alternatively, a
fantastic resource called SVGOMG at
jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg will do this
automatically. Paste the code into the ‘Paste markup’
area on the SVGOMG interface, then copy the image
again using the button on the bottom right.
3. Set up a HTML Document
Open your code editor of choice and set up a blank
HTML document. We will write the CSS animation in
a file called main.css, so create this too. To keep
things focused on the animation, we’ve pulled in the
CSS-only version of Bootstrap 4.1.3.
4. Build the layout
Let’s build the bones of our layout and make a space
for our SVG. We’ve added a header and two columns:
one on the left for some text, and one on the right,
4 5
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