
(Joyce) #1

12Yoghurt Cake with Honey,Rosewater and PistachiosServes 8–20 mins preparation time50 mins cooking timeFOR THE CAKE:225g (8oz) plain (all-purpose)flour1 tsp baking powder100g (3½oz) caster (superfine)sugar75g (2½oz) almond meal2 eggs1 tbsp honey250ml (9fl oz/1 cup) plainyoghurt150ml (5fl oz) sunflower oilGrated zest of 1 lime100g (3½oz/¾ cup) pistachios,choppedFOR THE SYRUP:100g (3½oz) caster (superfine)sugarJuice of 1 lime (or 2 limes if notvery juicy)1 tsp rosewater1. Make the cake: Preheat theoven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).Butter and flour a 20cm (8”)round cake tin. Sift the flour andbaking powder into a mixingbowl, then add the sugar andalmond meal.2. In another mixing bowl,whisk the eggs with the honey,yoghurt, oil and lime zest.Pour this batter into the bowlcontaining the dry ingredientsand beat for about 1 minute,until the mixture is uniform.3. Add the pistachios to thebatter (reserve some fordecoration) and mix well, thenpour the batter into the cake tin.Bake for about 50 minutes.4. Meanwhile, make the syrup.Combine the sugar and 150ml(5fl oz) of water in a saucepan,then bring them to the boil andsimmer until the syrup reducesby half. Let the mixture coolbefore adding the lime juice androsewater.5. Check whether the cake iscooked by inserting the bladeof a knife into the middle; itis cooked if the blade comesout clean. Take the cake outof the oven and let it cool fora few minutes before pouringthe syrup over the top. If youlike, you can prick the cake ina few places to help the syruppenetrate the cake.6. Let the cake cool completelyin the tin, until the syrup formsa lovely crust on top. Decoratewith a few pistachios and serve.Lemon Cake with Cognac Serves 8–10 mins preparation time35 mins cooking time``````FOR THE CAKE:100g (3½oz) lightly salted butter,softened175g (6oz) caster (superfine) sugar175g (6oz) plain (all-purpose) flour1 tsp baking powder2 eggs3 tbsp whole (full-cream) milk1 tbsp Cognac``````FOR THE ICING:125g (4½oz) icing (confectioners’)sugarJuice of 2 lemons1. Make the cake: Preheat the ovento 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Beat thebutter with the caster sugar in amixing bowl, then add the flour,baking powder, eggs, milk andfinally the Cognac. Beat for 1 minutewith an electric beater until themixture is creamy and uniform.2. Pour the batter into a butteredand floured loaf (bar) tin: Put thecake in the oven and bake for 35minutes, until the top is firm andgolden. To check whether the cakeis cooked all the way through, insertthe blade of a knife into the middle;it should come out clean. Take thecake out of the oven.3. Make the icing: Mix the sugarwith the lemon juice, then pour thissyrup over the cake while it’s stillin its tin. Make sure you pour thelemon syrup over the cake while itis still hot! Let the cake cool and drycompletely before turning it out andserving.100 Desserts to Die For byTrish Deseine.Published by Murdoch.

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