... seen some amazing creations from The Food Artist GroupThe Food Artist Group were at the annual Busch Gardens Food & Wine Festival inWilliamsburg, Virginia, and they made some amazing edible works of art. A collectiveof internationally acclaimed food artists working in a wide variety of edible mediums,the Food Artist Group provide entertainment in the form of half-day to weekend-longdemos for special events and festivals. Here is some more information about the piecescreated at this festival...Book of Life - This cake was created by Vivian Pham and Mary Carmen del Rio andrepresents the story and the main character from the movie, The Book of Life. Createdof mostly fondant, Vivian and Mary Carmen also used isomalt and edible lace to createsome of the details on this cake. The ladies changed their design at the last minute, sothe rainbow coloured flowers you see in the main tree are meant to pay tribute andhonour the victims of Orlando.Cookie and Sugar Showpiece - Victor Dagatan and Mallory Mae created this woodnymph/fairy. The figure is one very large sugar cookie with smaller accent cookiesattached. The cookie portions are all decorated and piped with royal icing. Mallory handpainted many of the details. The support structure and supporting details are all madefrom sugar. Victory and Mallory collaborated to create this innovative design: this is thefirst time weâve ever seen cookies combined with isomalt in this spectacular way.Double Sided Cookie Painting - Created by Mallory Mae and Michelle Boyd, this pieceis a bit of an optical illusion. From the front, the image is a bit confusing, but if you standoff to either side, you can see two entirely different images. Because of the illusion, theteam decided that an obvious choice of subject matter would be Alice in Wonderland.The paintings are created with food colour on large vertical panels of royal icing. Theframe is made entirely of sugar cookies that have been piped with royal icing andpainted with gold highlighter. If you look closely, you can see subtle references to Alicein Wonderland in the shapes that make up the frame.Griffon - Taking a cue from one of Busch Gardenâs most popular roller coasters, VivianPham and Timbo Sullivan created this Griffon cake. This striking cake includes manyfantastical details such as the isomalt geodes.June Wedding Scene - Created by Sachiko Windbiel and Vivian Pham, this elaboratecake represents a June wedding celebration in the forest. Complete with bunnies, foxes,sheep and birds, this charming tableau mesmerised many park guests at Busch GardensWilliamsburg.We are looking forward to...... Cake Fest ScotlandOrganisers from Cake Fest Scotland areseeking amateur bakers to help create a giantedible map of Scotland. Groups or individualsare being asked to take part by choosingtheir favourite building and recreating itin cake. Cake Fest is a headline event at theFestival of Architecture and part of the Year ofInnovation, Architecture and Design. The CakeMap will be displayed to the public on 11thSeptember in Stirling. The event builds on thesuccess of Cake Fest Edinburgh and during theFestival of Architecture, plans are to extendthe parameters to a countrywide challengeand create a cake map of the whole of Scotlandwith 100 buildings.To take part, simply check the list of 100buildings at http://www.cakefest.org.uk and select afirst and second choice.... Worldâs Biggest Coffee Morning``````The Worldâs Biggest Coffee Morning isMacmillanâs biggest fundraising event forpeople facing cancer. There are now 2.million people in the UK living with cancer.By 2030, it will be 4 million people, andMacmillan wants to be there for them all.They ask people all over the UK to host theirown coffee mornings and donations on theday are made to Macmillan. Last year alone,£25 million was raised and this year, theyare aiming to raise even more. This year, theevent will be held on Friday 30th September.Recipes, an ideas generator and fundraisingkits can be found on the Macmillan website tohelp you prepare for hosting your own coffeemorning.``````For more information about getting involved,visit: http://www.coffee.macmillan.org.uk``````... National Cupcake Week``````With National Cupcake Week 2016approaching faster than you can say hundredsand thousands, thereâs more events plannedthis year than you could shake a piping bagat. The week includes the National CupcakeCompetition as well as general celebrationsof this favourite type of miniature cake. Theorganisers would love to work with as many ofyou as possible to make this National CupcakeWeek bigger and better than ever before. So,without wishing to borrow from a certaintelevision-based dance show... keeeeeep eatingthose cupcakes!``````Want to know more? Keep an eagle eye on thetwitter page @cupcakeweek and website:http://www.nationalcupcakeweek.co.uk