
(Joyce) #1

SPONSOR SPOTLIGHTA new award for 2016, the BestShow Piece Award is sponsored byInnovative Sugarworks. Recognisingthe outstanding talent needed tocreate a show-stopping piece, whetherit was a special display piece for anexhibition or a PR stunt, this awardwill showcase cakes and sugarcreations that push the boundaries ofedible art in a huge way. Here is somemore information about InnovativeSugarworks and why they havesponsored this award...``````Innovative Sugarworks’ mission isto enhance the overall experience,process and outcome of every cakeartist’s creations. They are dedicated tobeing the leading innovator, developerand provider of professional-grade,ergonomic and responsibly madeculinary tools, inspired and designedspecifically for the sugar arts.``````Innovative Sugarworks seeks to augmentand elevate the efficiency, comfortand creations of fellow sugar artisans.Their focus is on exceptional design,quality, comfort and efficiency, instillingconfidence throughout every stage of thesugarcrafter’s creative process.``````They utilise their professional andpersonal culinary experiences andrelationships to continually design andproduce professional-grade tools thathelp sugar workers and artisans achievea higher level of success within theircraft. Innovative Sugarworks’ uniqueinsight and experience allows them toidentify and overcome the challenges andneeds of creatives working within thesugar arts.``````Find out more about InnovativeSugarworks and their products at``````We are looking forward to the 2016 Cake Masters MagazineAwards evening because every sugar artist inspires us with theirpassion, creativity, and talent. We are excited to see all of theexceptional and inventive show pieces by gifted artists fromaround the globe! It is truly an honour to be included in thiscelebration and to sponsor the Best Show Piece Award.Chris and Meghan Allison, Founders, Innovative Sugarworks““

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