8Equipment RequiredBy Laura Dodimead,Cakey Bakes Cakes- 1.25kg white sugarpaste- 250g lemon yellow sugarpaste- 30g black sugarpaste- Orange airbrush colour- Edible food colour paint: yellow, red, green, blue, white- Royal icing- Vodka- Black dust colour- 100g yellow flower paste- 2 dowels- Black card, to setbutterflies
- Airbrush- Cake scraper- Pizza cutter- 15mm black ribbon, 1m- Large and small butterfly cookie cutters- Bellissimo cake smoothers- No. 1 paintbrush- No. 2 paintbrush- No. 10 paintbrush- Paint palette- 10â round drum- 4â round cake cardStained Glass ButterflyCake TutorialWith a creative past of interior design,upholstery and window dressing, Laurawas always looking for her next creativechallenge. Her hobby of baking fast becameher full focus and a way of outlaying herartistic flair, alongside being a full timemother of two daughters. Laura challengesherself daily with new and unusualcake designs, using unique and excitingtechniques. Her passion for modelling,airbrushing and painting continues to grow,and now she is a tutor for both SquiresKitchen and The Cake Makery, she getsto share her skills with others. Laura wasextremely chuffed to be crowned KirstyAllsopâs Cake Champion on Channel 4recently.
Difficulty Rating