The Economist - USA (2020-08-22)

(Antfer) #1

16 The EconomistAugust 22nd 2020

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When the computer says no
The software problems of
Boeing, General Electric, Volks-
wagen and others are not new
(Schumpeter, July 18th). The
term “software engineering”
was coined in the 1960s in the
hope that traditional engineer-
ing methods could be applied
to software development.
Today, we routinely use sys-
tems that are far more complex
and robust, which have largely
been built by developers
trained in computer science
and software engineering.
There is fierce competition to
employ those skills; some
companies hire graduates from
coding schools with as little as
three months of training.
Schumpeter noted the
impact of rapidly changing
technology on system quality.
This is known as “technical
debt”, an accumulation of
problems with varying severity
that makes it difficult and
expensive to maintain the
code. Some of the world’s
critical software systems are
based on code originally writ-
ten over 40 years ago. The large
legacy companies rely heavily
on writing their own propri-
etary code with its high rate of
errors, rather than including
open-source software compo-
nents that reduce the amount
of new code, which would
minimise the number of bugs.
Our ability to develop software
has improved, but companies
that construct physical sys-
tems, such as cars, continue to
underestimate what it takes to
build high-quality software on
time and on budget.
tony wasserman
Professor of software
management practice
Carnegie Mellon University,
Silicon Valley
Mountain View, California

There are three other factors
that explain why companies
struggle with software pro-
jects. First, the general lack of
knowledge about information
literacy and computational
thinking: many managers have
never had any formal training
in them. Second, software
projects often change their
scope and direction half way

through the exercise. It is good
to test new ideas, but that
comes with a cost or delay that
many executives struggle to
understand. Imagine building
a bridge and every week the
plan changes. Would you
expect it to be built on time and
on budget?
And third, many “vision-
aries” love large transforma-
tional projects that turn the
company upside down. But
software is much more about
improving the experience of
people who work with it. Com-
panies should start small and
scale up where value emerges,
not the other way around.
jose carvalho

Another problem is depen-
dency: software depends on
other software. For example,
when you start a project in
JavaScript and add a few
dependencies you will pull in
hundreds of other depen-
dencies, written over years by
thousands of developers. Each
dependency is like a block of
Lego. We attach them together
by the bits at the edge (the
interface) and assume that the
bits in the middle work well.
Most programmers spend their
time attaching these blocks
together, hoping that every-
thing works well.
The main risk-mitigation
strategy is to use dependencies
that everyone else is using. The
thinking goes that someone
else would surely have audited
the code or found issues with
it. This works, until it doesn’t.
A dependency might disappear
or it might inject malicious
code into the application. Most
programmers lack the knowl-
edge and inclination to search
for issues in this vast stack.
We build skyscrapers of
Lego, focusing on the top and
only paying attention to our
dependencies when the sky-
scraper starts swaying. This is
not laziness. If every program-
mer tried to rewrite their stack
it would take decades, and the
world would have moved on.
Besides, the next project is due
in 14 days.
krishna sundarram
Engineer at Facebook

didn’tmentionhs2, a high-
treatedasa jokea serious

Surveyof 201 1-12wereaverseto

Bad ideas
“See no evil” (August 8th)
observed that after the second
world war philosophy that
challenged racism “tended to
flow westward” from Europe to
America. However, in the
decades leading up to the war it
was the American concept of
race that affected events in
Europe. The Nazis, for ex-
ample, were influenced by
America’s virulently racist laws
of the late 19th and early 20th-
centuries, particularly with
regards to eugenics and misce-
genation. In 1935, the Third
Reich sent legal experts who
had crafted its racial policies to
study American race law under
the guise of researching legal

and economic life. “Mein
Kampf” praised America’s
Immigration Act of 1924, which
excluded most Asians; in 1928
Hitler spoke approvingly of
white settlers gunning down
millions of indigenous people.
eva stoumbos
Port Angeles, Washington

Your review of a book on Nazi
spies in the United States (“The
Führer’s man in Manhattan”,
August 15th) notes the strength
of Nazi hostility to America.
There was also great admira-
tion. The Nazis looked to the
Jim Crow laws in the South as
their model for the Nuremberg
laws that targeted Jews.
john williams

Leadership qualities
Reading Bartleby on judgment
(July 18th) brought to mind The
Economist’s description of
Clement Attlee in 1935, long
before he was recognised as
one of Britain’s greatest prime
ministers: he “lacks the con-
spicuous attributes of a leader”
but “has undeniable ability,
judgment and integrity” (“Mr
Attlee and Sir A. Sinclair”,
November 30th 1935). Looking
back at his success Attlee came
up with this little ditty:
Few thought he was even a
There were many who thought
themselves smarter
But he ended pm
chand om
An earl and a knight of the
andrew carroll
Sale, Cheshire

Bagehot’s column on the “lem-
ons” in government (July 18th)
reminded me of something
one of my surgical bosses said
of John Moore, a health min-
ister under Margaret Thatcher:
“He rose without trace.”
andrew arnold
Barnoldswick, Lancashire
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