The New York Times Magazine - USA (2020-08-23)

(Antfer) #1

of the subject under discussion into the
background. Nothing more can possibly
be said about it, Trump seemed to be
saying. And what would be the point?
You already seem to know all about it.
So why not declare this one a draw and
move on?
Except in order for these fi ve words
to work their magic, the speaker must
shut up. Trump did not. He was only
fl irting with the possibility of retreat.
Instead of saying ‘‘it is what it is’’ with
fi nality, his voice rose to meet Swan’s in
those emphatic notes of pleading dispu-
tation that, like rumble strips on high-
way shoulders, mark the outer edge of
civil conversation. ‘‘That doesn’t mean
we aren’t doing everything we can,’’ he

continued. ‘‘It’s under control as much
as you can control it. This is a horrible
plague that beset us.’’
In this case, ‘‘it is what it is’’ served
as a bridge between two contradictory
ideas: It is under control and it cannot be
controlled. Again, Trump blamed the gov-
ernors. He blamed China. He acknowl-
edged that the situation was ‘‘serious.’’
He said that his approach was to ‘‘handle
it the best it can be handled.’’ If Trump
could no longer paint the virus as a tem-
porary ailment that would disappear on
its own, by Easter, then it had to be an all-^
powerful juggernaut, inherently unman-
ageable, with one thousand deaths a day
at the low end of the damage one might
reasonably expect it to cause.

Minutes later, Trump tried to shift
away from counting deaths to counting
cases. He pulled some charts from a side
table and began rustling them in his lap.
‘‘The United States is lowest in... numer-
ous categories,’’ he said. ‘‘In what?’’ Swan
asked. ‘‘Take a look,’’ Trump said. Almost
instantly, Swan announced what Trump
either could not or did not want to extract
from his charts, which is that they were
comparing deaths to proven cases, not
deaths to population. This distinction put
Trump back on more familiar ground.
Now he could argue that Swan was using
the wrong set of numbers to make things
look worse than they actually were. Never
mind that Trump himself had previously
argued against the mass testing that he was

The United States,
with 4 percent
of the world’s
population, accounts
for 25 percent of
global coronavirus
cases and 22
percent of deaths.
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