First Cables
(worked over 11 sts and 6 rounds; repeat 12
times per round)
Rnd 1: K5, P1, K4, P1; rep from to end.
Rnd 2: Work as for Rnd 1.
Rnd 3: K5, P1, C4F, P1; rep from to end.
Rnds 4-6: Work as for Rnd 1.
Using 3.5mm circular needles, cast on
120 stitches.
P m a n d j oi n to work i n t h e rou n d , t a k i n g
care not to twist sts.
Next rnd: K1, P1; rep from to end.
Re p e at l a s t r n d , e s t a bl i sh i n g 1 x 1 r i b bi n g,
until work meas 4½cm for beanie or
12½cm for double-brimmed watchcap.
Increase rnd: (K1, P1) 3 times, *KFB, P1,
(K1, P1) 4 times; rep from * until 4 sts rem,
KFB, P1, K1, P1. 132 sts.
Change to 4mm circular needles.
Work Rnds 1-6 of Main Cable Motif 4 times
(or 5 times for a slouchier fit).
Note: Switch to DPNs when necessary
as your stitch count decreases.
Set-up rnd: *(K5, P1, K4, P1) 3 times, pm;
rep from * to end.
Rnd 1: *K5, P1, K4, P1; rep from * to end.
Rnd 2: *K5, P1, C4F, P1; rep from * to end.
Rnd 3: *K5, P1, K2tog, K2, P1, K5, P1, K4,
P1, K5, P1, K2, SSK, P1; rep from * to end.
124 sts.
Rnd 4: *K5, P1, K3, P1, K5, P1, K4, P1, K5,
P1, K3, P1; rep from * to end.
Rnd 5: *K5, P1, K2tog, K1, P1, K5, P1, K4,
P1, K5, P1, K1, SSK, P1, rep from * to end.
116 sts.
Rnd 6: *K5, P1, K2, P1, K5, P1, K4, P1, K5,
P1, K2, P1; rep from * to end.
Rnd 7: *K5, P1, K2tog, P1, K5, P1, K4, P1,
K5, P1, SSK, P1; rep from * to end. 108 sts.
Rnd 8: *K5, P1, K1, P1, K5, P1, C4F, P1, K5,
P1, K1, P1; rep from * to end.
Rnd 9: *K5, P1, K2tog, K5, P1, K4, P1, K5,
SSK, P1; rep from * to end. 100 sts.
Rnd 10: *K5, P1, K6, P1, K4, P1, K6, P1;
rep from * to end.
Rnd 11: *K5, P1, K2tog, K4, P1, K4, P1, K4,
SSK, P1; rep from * to end. 92 sts.
Rnd 12: *K5, P1, K5, P1, K4, P1, K5, P1;
rep from * to end.
Rnd 13: *K5, P1, K2tog, K3, P1, K4, P1, K3,
SSK, P1; rep from * to end. 84 sts.
Rnd 14: *K5, P1, K4, P1, C4F, P1, K4, P1;
rep from * to end.
Rnd 15: *K5, P1, K2tog, K2, P1, K4, P1, K2,
SSK, P1; rep from * to end. 76 sts.
Rnd 16: *K2tog, K3, P1, K3, P1, K4, P1, K3,
P1; rep from * to end. 72 sts.
Rnd 17: *K4, P1, K2tog, K1, P1, K4, P1, K1,
SSK, P1; rep from * to end. 64 sts.
Rnd 18: *K4, P1, K2, P1, K4, P1, K2, P1;
rep from * to end.
Rnd 19: *K4, P1, K2tog, P1, K4, P1, SSK, P1;
rep from * to end. 56 sts.
Rnd 20: *K2tog, K2, P1, K1, P1, C4F, P1, K1,
P1; rep from * to end. 52 sts.
Rnd 21: *K3, P1, K2tog, K4, SSK, P1;
rep from * to end. 44 sts.
Rnd 22: *K3, P1, K6, P1; rep from * to end.
Rnd 23: *K2tog, K1, P1, K2tog, K2, SSK, P1;
rep from * to end. 32 sts.
Rnd 24: *K2, P1, K2tog, SSK, P1; rep from *
to e n d. 24 s t s.
Rnd 25: *(K 2 to g, P 1) t w i c e, re m ove mrk ;
rep from * to end. 16 sts.
Break yarn, leaving a 25cm tail. Thread
yarn tail through the live sts and pull top of
hat closed. Weave in yarn ends invisibly on
the WS of work.
Steam-block or wet-block the finished
hat, following any yarn care instructions
on the ball band.
DESIGNED WITH novice cable knitters
in mind, this pattern by Jared Flood
offers a host of options which more
experienced knitters will enjoy too.
C h o o s e to ma ke a c l a s si c b e a n i e or a
watchcap style with a folded brim; or
work one additional repeat of the cable
motif for a slouchier fit. For a different
look, replace the cable motif with one
of the five alternative stitch patterns, or
pl ay a rou n d w it h mi x i n g a n d matc h i n g
the motifs. The hat has been designed to
use Brooklyn Tweed’s classic Arbor DK
wo ol , b ut it w i l l a l s o work we l l i n t h e
brand-new Dapple wool-cotton yarn.
Circumference: 51cm (20in)
Length: 21cm (8¼in)
Brooklyn Tweed Arbor (DK weight;
100% wool; 132m/145yds per 50g skein)
Beanie: Seaglass; 2 x 50g skeins
Watchcap: Lovat; 2 x 50g skeins
Alternative yarn
Brooklyn Tweed Dapple (DK weight;
60% merino wool, 40% organic cotton;
150m/165yds per 50g skein)
Brooklyn Tweed http://www.brooklyntweed.com
Available in the UK from Loop
4mm (UK 8/US 6) circular needles, 40cm long
Set of 4mm (UK 8/US 6) double-pointed
needles (DPNs)
3.5mm (UK 9-10/US 4) circular needles,
40cm long
Stitch markers
Cable needle (cn)
24 sts and 32 rows to 10cm over Cable Patt
on 4mm needles
C4F: Slip next 2 sts to cn and hold at front, K2;
K2 from cn.
Make Bobble: (K1, P1, K1) into same st, turn
work (to WS), Sl 1, P2, turn work (to RS), Sl 1,
K2, turn work (to WS), Sl 1, P2, turn work
(to RS), Sl 1, K2tog, pass slipped st from
right needle over st just worked.
S^ ©
N^ T
/^ J
The Knitter 30 Issue 154 Subscribe now at http://www.gathered.how/theknitter