The Knitter - UK (2020-08)

(Antfer) #1

by Elizabeth Zimmermann

THE WRITINGS of Elizabeth Zimmermann
(1910-1999) have been hugely influential
on generations of knitters and designers.
This self-styled ‘opinionated knitter’
was always happy to challenge perceived
knitting wisdom, and she wanted to show
every knitter that they were capable of
creating their own unique knits.
One of Elizabeth’s classic books is
Knitter’s Almanac - the humble 1974
paperback that many knitters have found
hu ge ly u s e f u l. It ’s a c ol l e c t ion of 1 2 proj e c t s
(one for each month of the year), but it’s
much more than just a pattern book. Her
distinctive voice flows through the book;
she chats to the reader about her life in the
Wisconsin woods, and offers entertaining
success stories and failures from her own
knitting explorations.
Fundamentally, though, Elizabeth set
out to show the knitter not just how to do
something, but also why that method or
technique should be used, to give people
a better understanding of how knitted
fabric and finished items can be created.
T h e b o ok b e g i n s w it h a n e x a mpl e of
this - January’s ‘Aran Sweater’ project, in
which she demonstrates how to use a gauge
swatch to calculate stitch counts for your

Great reads

Create and customise timeless knits, and discover essential

knitting tips and tricks, with this entertaining classic

own perfect-fitting sweater. Her approach
i s s o f r i e n d ly a n d e a s y to fol low, t h at you
barely realise that you’re working through
an actual knitting lesson!
Z i mm e r ma n n u s e s t h i s appro a c h for
a range of other essential family garments:
t h e te x t u re d ‘C h a i n M a i l S we ate r’;
a collared raglan pullover; accessories
including socks, hats and mittens; and
the ‘Wishbone’ sweater in the December
chapter, which she promises you can
cast on at the start of the month and have
ready as a Christmas gift.
The Almanac contains the formula to
create Elizabeth’s circular Pi shawl - a
formula which is still widely used today.
Another of her innovations is the sweater
percentage system, which allows knitters
to design their own well fitting seamless
sweaters using a simple ratio system.
It’s demonstrated here with the classic
‘Baby Sweater on Two Needles’ pattern.
The book also shows how to design a
custom-fit pair of knitted leggings, using
your gauge and body measurements.
Other knitting projects to try include
a set of baby essentials, a blanket formed
from squares worked from the centre out,
moccasin socks, and Christmas tree
d e c or at ion s. T h e re’s s o mu c h to k n it i n
this book - and it makes entertaining
bedtime reading, too.

Knitter’s Almanac is published by
Dover Publications, priced £5.99.



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