The Knitter - UK (2020-08)

(Antfer) #1
The back neck has
a keyhole opening

Row 82: Sl 1, K3, P9, K2, P95, (K2, P9)
twice, K2, P95, K2, P9, K4.
Row 83: Sl 1, K1, P2, K4, yfwd, K1, yfwd,
K4, P2, yon, Sl 1, K1, psso, (yfwd, Sl 2, K1,
p2sso, yfwd, K1) 22 times, yfwd, Sl 2, K1,
p2sso, yfwd, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K4, yfwd, K1,
yfwd, K4; rep from
once more, P2, K2.
-(252:252:252:252) sts.

Size 12-14 only
Row 84: Sl 1, K3, P11, K2, P95, (K2, P11)
twice, K2, P95, K2, P11, K4.

Sizes 16-18, 20-22 and 24-26 only
Row 84: Sl 1, K2, yfwd, K1, P11, K2, P95, K2,
P11, K1, yfwd, K1, P11, K2, P95, K2, P11, K1,
yfwd, K3.-(-:255:255:255) sts.
Row 85: Sl 1, K1, P1, inc 2, P1, yon, K4,
yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K4, (yfwd, Sl 1,
K1, psso) twice, (yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso,
yfwd, K1) 22 times, yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso,
(yfwd, K2tog) twice, yfwd, K4, yfwd, Sl 2,
K1, p2sso, yfwd, K4
, yfrn, P1, yon, inc 2,
yfrn, P1, rep from to once more, yfrn, P1,
inc 2, P1, K2. -(-:267:267:267) sts.
Row 86: Sl 1, K3, P1, K2, P123, K2, P1, inc
purlwise in next st, P1, K2, P123, K2, P1, K4.
-(-:268:268:268) sts.
Row 87:Sl 1, K1, P2, yon, K1, yfrn, P2, yon,
K2tog, K3, yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K4,
(yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K1) 24 times,
yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K4, yfwd, Sl 2,
K1, p2sso, yfwd, K3, Sl 1, K1, psso, yfrn, P2,
yon, K1, yfrn; rep from
once more, P2, K2.
-(-:276:276:276) sts.

Size 16-18 only
Row 88: Sl 1, K3, P3, K2, P19, P2tog, (P39,
P2tog) twice, P20, (K2, P3) twice, K2, P20,
P2tog, (P39, P2tog) twice, P19, K2, P3, K4.
-(-:270:-:-) sts.

Sizes 20-22 and 24-26 only
Row 88: Sl 1, K3, P3, K2, P123, (K2, P3)
twice, K2, P123, K2, P3, K4.
Row 89: Sl 1, K1, *P2, K1, (yfwd, K1) twice,
P2, yon, Sl 1, K1, psso, yfwd, K2tog, yfwd,
K1, yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K1, yfwd,

K2tog, yfwd, K1, (yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso,
yfwd, K1) 25 times, yfwd, K2tog, yfwd, K1,
yfwd, Sl 2, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K1, (yfwd,
K2tog) twice, yfrn, P2, K1, (yfwd, K1)
twice; rep from * once more, P2, K2.
-(-:-:292:292) sts.
Row 90: Sl 1, K3, P5, K2, P127, (K2, P5)
twice, K2, P127, K2, P5, K4.
Row 91: Sl 1, K1, *P2, K2, yfwd, K1, yfwd,
K2, P2, yon, Sl 1, K1, psso, (yfwd, Sl 2, K1,
p2sso, yfwd, K1) 30 times, yfwd, Sl 2, K1,
p2sso, yfwd, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K2, yfwd, K1,
yfwd, K2; rep from * once more, P2, K2.
-(-:-:300:300) sts.

Size 20-22 only
Row 92: Sl 1, K3, P7, *K2, P10, P2tog,
(P19, P2tog) 5 times, P10*, (K2, P7) twice,
rep from * to * once more, K2, P7, K4.
-(-:-:288:-) sts.

Size 24-26 only
Row 92: Sl 1, K3, P7, K2, P127, (K2, P7)
twice, K2, P127, K2, P7, K4.
Row 93: Sl 1, K1, *P2, K3, yfwd, K1, yfwd,
K3, P2, yon, Sl 1, K1, psso, (yfwd, Sl 2, K1,
p2sso, yfwd, K1) 30 times, yfwd, Sl 2, K1,
p2sso, yfwd, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K3, yfwd, K1,
yfwd, K3; rep from * once more, P2, K2.
-(-:-:-:308) sts.
Row 94: Sl 1, K3, P9, K2, P127, (K2, P9)
twice, K2, P127, K2, P9, K4.
Row 95: Sl 1, K1, *P2, K4, yfwd, K1, yfwd,
K4, P2, yon, Sl 1, K1, psso, (yfwd, Sl 2, K1,
p2sso, yfwd, K1) 30 times, yfwd, Sl 2, K1,
p2sso, yfwd, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K4, yfwd, K1,
yfwd, K4; rep from * once more, P2, K2.
-(-:-:-:316) sts.
Row 96: Sl 1, K3, *P11, K2, P12, P2tog,
(P23, P2tog) 4 times, P13, K2, P11, K2; rep
from * once more, K2. -(-:-:-:306) sts.

All sizes
Place a marker at each end of last row to
denote base of sleeve top.
Now work b ord e r a s fol l s:
Wit h R S fa c i n g, c a s t on 3 3 s t s.
267 (285:303:321:339) sts.
Row 1 (RS): Work first 34 sts as given for
row 1 of chart, turn, leaving rem sleeve sts
Row 2: Work as given for row 2 of chart.
These 2 rows set position of chart – border
i s j oi n e d to ma i n sl e e ve pi e c e by work i n g
the ‘Sl 1, K1, psso’ decrease at end of every
RS chart row.
B e g w it h row 3, c ont i n p at t f rom c h a r t
until 33 sts rem, ending with chart row 18.

Cast off.

Join shoulder seams.

With RS facing and using 2.25mm needles,
beg and ending at cast-off sts on back neck
sh api n g, pi c k up a n d k n it 4 4 s t s d ow n r i g ht
si d e of b a c k op e n i n g to c e nt re of c a s t- of f s t s
at b a s e of b a c k op e n i n g, 1 s t at c e nt re of
c a s t- of f s t s at b a s e of b a c k op e n i n g (ma rk
t h i s s t w it h a c olou re d t h re a d), t h e n 4 4 s t s
up l e f t si d e o f b a c k op e n i n g. 89 s t s.
Next row (WS): Knit.
Next row: K to within 1 st of marked st, Sl 1,
K 2 to g, p s s o (t h e ma rke d s t w i l l b e at c e nt re
of these 3 sts), K to end. 87 sts.
Rep last 2 rows once more, ending with WS
fa c i n g for n e x t row. 8 5 s t s.
Cast off knitwise (on WS).

With RS facing and using 2.25mm needles,
beg and ending at cast-off edges of back
opening border, pick up and knit 3 sts
a lon g row- e n d e d ge of l e f t si d e of b a c k
opening border, 34 (34:36:36:38) sts from
left side of back neck, 28 (28:32:32:36) sts
down left side of front neck, knit across
28 sts on front holder, pick up and knit
28 (28:32:32:36) sts up right side of front
neck, and 34 (34:36:36:38) sts from right
side of back neck, then 3 sts along row-end
edge of right side of back opening border.
158 (158:170:170:182) sts.
Work in garter stitch for 4 rows, ending
with WS facing for next row.
Cast off knitwise (on WS).

Using 2.25mm needles, cast on 8 sts.
Cast off knitwise.

Sew button loop to row-end edge of
neckband on left side of back opening.
Join sleeve seams from markers denoting
base of sleeve tops. Place centre of cast-off
e d ge of sl e e ve to sh ou l d e r s e a m. S e t i n
sleeve, easing sleevehead into armhole and
gathering in fullness if required
Joi n si d e a n d sl e e ve s e a ms. S e w on b ut ton s
to correspond with button loop.
Gently block to measurements, following
yarn care instructions on the ball band. v

Find the pattern for
the matching ‘Iman’
wrap in Issue 155

The Knitter 57 Issue 154


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