The Knitter - UK (2020-08)

(Antfer) #1

Using 3.75mm needles, 40cm long, yarn B,
and the long-tail cast-on method, cast on
56 (60:64:72:80:88) sts.
P m a n d j oi n to work i n t h e rou n d , t a k i n g
care not to twist sts.
Work in 1x1 rib for 2cm.

C h a n ge to 4mm n e e d l e s, 4 0 c m lon g.
Knit 1 round.
Next round: (K 3, P 1) to e n d.

Cont in Texture Stitch patt as set for Body,
inc 1 st at each end of next and every alt
round until there are 64 (68:72:80:88:98)

Work even until piece meas 7cm from
cast-on edge.

Cast off 3 (3:3:3:5:5) sts, work to last
4 (4:4:4:6:6) sts, cast off 4 (4:4:4:6:6) sts.
57 (61:65:73:77:87) sts.

Rejoin yarn and working back and forth in
stitch patt:
Dec 1 st each side of every row 6 (5:5:7:13:15)
45 (51:55:59:51:57) sts.
Dec 1 st each side of every other row
15 (18:19:20:15:16) times.
Cast off rem 15 (15:17:19:21:25) sts.

Join shoulder seams.
Set in sleeves.

With RS facing, using 3.75mm circular
needles and yarn A, and beg at left shoulder
seam, pick up and knit 26 sts down left front
neck edge, knit across 27 (29:29:31:31:33)
held sts, pick up and knit 26 sts up right
front neck edge, pick up and knit 5 sts
down right back neck edge, knit across
37 (41:41:43:43:43) held sts, pick up and
knit 5 sts up left back neck edge.
Pm for beg of rnd.
126 (132:132:136:136:138) sts.

Rib round: (K 1, P 1) to e n d.
Continue in rib until neckband meas 2cm
from picked-up edge.
Cast off in rib.

Weave in ends. Block garment gently to
measurements, following any yarn care
instructions on the ball band.

Our photoshoot has been styled
with the distinctive, vibrant clothes
of Gudrun Sjödén. Explore the
collection at

Audley End

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