Extended Data Fig. 4 | X-ray tomography image analysis. a, Histogram of
grey values with deconvoluted peaks of aerogel particles (blue), MnO 2 -loaded
aerogel matrix (green) and MnO 2 -enriched areas (orange), and the resulting fit
(red). b, Line profile across a particle (see inset), before (grey dotted line) and
after (black line) Gaussian blurring. The chosen binder cutoff (red dashed line)
and the final phase separation after erosion (green) are also shown.
c–f, Different orientations of the 3D volume rendering of the filament (c, d),
and y–z (e) and x–y (f) cross-sections. The segmented image consists of 57.9%
SiO 2 particles, 40.5% binder phase and 1.6% MnO 2 -enriched areas.