Women's Health - USA (2019-06)

(Antfer) #1



FUN. Cue bright colors, steamy

flings, and of course, exciting

workouts. Everyone wants to look

their best come the season of skin,

and the key is to challenge your

bod in fresh ways. Enter the kettle-

bell: a functional, bell-shaped piece

of equipment that can help sculpt

muscles and torch calories. “Kettle-

bells are more user-friendly than

barbells or dumbbells,” says Missy

Paris, StrongFirst-certified trainer

and kettlebell specialist in New York

City. “Plus, you can use them to get

in a killer cardio burn without your

feet ever leaving the ground.”

Un l i ke w it h ot her weig ht s, a

kettlebell’s load is centrally located,

which makes it easier to get from

Point A to Point B in a swift motion.

“A lot of exerc i se s we do w it h t he

bell mimic the way our body’s natu-

rally intended to move,” Paris says.

Kettlebells also place greater de-

mands on your stabilizing muscles,

core, and coordination, leading to

(potentially) bigger results.

This workout plan, created by

trainer Dan John, owner of the

Westridge Street Barbell Club in

Utah, pairs high-rep strength moves

with dynamic stretches. “It com-

bines mobility, strength, and car-

dio,” he says. The yin-yang approach

will help you not only rev your goals

in the gym but also build strength

that translates far beyond it. The

best part? Once you track down a

kettlebell, you’re Ready. To. Go.



Complete the exercises in

Superset 1 back-to-back,
as instructed. Repeat twice
more, then go to Superset
2, following the same
pattern. Continue to 3 and
4, repeating the pattern,
until you’ve done all the
exercises. Cap your
workout with the two
metabolic finishers to
boost your overall burn.



FOCUS ON FORM A kettlebell’s off-
set design makes good technique especially
important. For starters, keep your wrists
straight (bending them raises the risk for
strain and doesn’t let you transfer power as

effectively between your body and the bell).

Be sure to activate your entire foot, from heel
to toe, to create a stable base.
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