Serverless, ReactPHP, and Expanding Frontiers, May 2019

(singke) #1 \ May 2019 \ 19

Department of Breaking Changes: Launching PHP 7 in a Highly Available Web World

Updating the Codebases
To find all of the possible PHP migra-
tion issues in such a huge repository, we
leveraged PHPStorm IDEs’ code anal-
ysis tools for known PHP 7 standard
violations. The next step was to run
through our suite of PHPUnit tests to
catch anything else. Once we got proof
of concepts running in our develop-
ment environments, however, we found
more issues. Early on we decided to use
PHP 7.2.x since at the time it repre-
sented the latest and greatest. However,
it also meant many exception elevations
for syntax issues. Going through every
case where we used deprecated func-
tion calls was easy, but finding cases of
“signature mismatch during inheritance”^3
being thrown and halting execution
ended up being trickier to find without
canarying the code somewhere. Exten-
sive QA and scenario planning had to
be done to mitigate as many “gotchas”
as possible. It also meant we had to
update our Composer packages to be
PHP 7.2.x compliant to not break code
depending on them.
From the beginning, a major piece
we knew to work on was replacing the
MySQL connection library, mysqlnd
ms—an extension for high availability
of MySQL servers which uses a
round-robin algorithm to load balance
primary and replica connections. The
open source library is no longer offi-
cially supported for PHP 7 and up^4 , and
a replacement had to be found. There
was and still is a forked version^5 , but it
is only supported by one lone mysqlnd

ms fan who goes by the username
sergiotabanelli. Having one person be
the support staff for a library we heavily
depend on for a site that gets millions
of unique views a day and is the beacon
flag for many NPR fans, didn’t appeal
to our team. After digging into several
options, HAProxy^6 was chosen as the

3 “signature mismatch during inheritance”:
4 PHP 7 and up:
5 forked version:
6 HAProxy:

best production-ready replacement in
terms of how we use MySQL with PHP
via round-robin connections and also
for high availability.

Upgrading Apache
While we were in the game of
upgrading PHP we had to upgrade
Apache—yet another epic to add to
the pile. Ahsan Lake, a Sys Admin on
the DevOps team, argued this meant
that we should also change our Chef
workflow for managing Apache and its
mods. Before the upgrade, we compiled
our source code for mods and pack-
ages like PHP. It helped us make sure
our packages were backward compat-
ible with older mods like mysqlnd_ms
which only worked when compiled
locally. This paradigm produced a side
effect where Chef would not recognize
an upgrade because there would be no
version attached to it—just a filename.
Upgrading a package meant deleting
that file before running a Chef conver-
gence. To fix this and allow us to quickly
upgrade machines meant converting to
using aptitude to perform installs and
updates. This change, in turn, meant
an overhaul of the Chef architecture for
our web machines as well as breaking a
lot of older mods. Tyler groaned when
approached with this. The milestones for
the project were slipping out of simple
and going deeper into choppy waters.
He and others on the team were even-
tually won over once Ahsan explained
that with this work, doing an upgrade
would mean a much more straightfor-
ward and—let’s face it—more standard
process. Upgrades and security patches
could be rolled out faster once all web
servers used aptitude over custom-built
Debian packages.

Deployment Hurdles
Then came the issue of significant
downtime while we did the work to
deploy PHP 7 to all live servers. Since
we were using a new cookbook that
had Apache 2.4 and mods built from
packages, it wasn’t technically feasible
to update the cookbook then used by
the web machines. We needed to boot-
strap a new cookbook, which meant we

had to reprovision each web machine
in place. The DevOps team had done
this before, and the fact that we would
be taking machines down one by one in
production wasn’t necessarily a risk.
What was an issue was when the server
came back up, it would be running PHP
7 on a codebase built for PHP 5.6. In the
Jenkins automated deployment process
at the time, each server had a shared
mount tied to one shared directory that
had the website code installed on it.
That is, all servers could only serve one
version of the codebase because they
were all configured to read the code
from one source. Even if we forked
our repo and had two versions of the
web code—one for PHP 5.6 and one
for PHP 7—we could only serve one
version at a time in any environment.
This roadblock produced a lot of back-
and-forth discussions about scenarios.
Would each server get replaced in
Proxmox, totaling some hours, then
the code gets upgraded? Alternatively,
would the team prefer to upgrade the
code, take their chances, and then go
through the machines one by one?
Downtime of any kind meant an impact
not just to the website and it’s users but
also to the consumers and users of the
API and Seamus. Rather than risking it,
the DevOps team decided it was time to
go to the drawing board and come up
with a better deployment method.

Once we had researched all of the
work needed to be completed before
upgrading to PHP 7.2.x, we were
finally off to the races. While it at first
seemed overwhelming how much we
planned to do for just upgrading PHP,
we found each piece built on top of
the other. Changing the workflow for
Chef and Apache, a mini-epic spear-
headed by Ahsan, produced a lot of
“wins” down the road for upgrading
PHP safely. Ahsan used an existing
prototype cookbook for web servers
left long ago by Tyler, codenamed
“NPR Webzero.” Webzero was the logic
change for our Chef web cookbooks
where instead of building custom bina-
ries of MySQL Percona, Redis, and
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