World Soccer - UK (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1

Just over a year after playing his final game for

Bayern Munich, Arjen Robben is back at boyhood club

Groningen. The 36-year-old ended his career in 2019,

but when he felt an urge to return, there was only one
team he wanted to join. Mark Gleeson spoke to

the Dutch winger about his comeback...

“I don’t think I


a comeback for

any other club”


How did you get to this
point where you are about
to play again?
When I retired just over a year
ago, I wrote in a small, open letter that the
decision was the most difficult of my whole
career. It was also a little forced, although at
the time I didn’t really go into that. But physical
problems were at the heart of the decision,
so it was kind of forced on me.
We then decided, OK, the career is over,
but we’ll stay another year in Munich to enjoy
the city and get used to the idea of no longer
being a footballer. I had a good time with the
family, doing things like skiing. But eventually,
the sports lover in me was searching for
something to keep busy. I had contact with
Erben Wennemars (former world record speed
skater), who came up with a whole load of
physical challenges for us to do together.
We were in full training to do the Rotterdam
Marathon, but unfortunately the coronavirus
threw that flame in the water and the marathon

was postponed. I was feeling good physically
because I’d been training hard.
I’ve always kept in contact with Groningen
from when I left at the age of18. I’ve seen the
ambition they have, their vision for the future.
It appealed to me. And so, during the crisis,
I started to think about things. We as a family
were heading back to Groningen, and what
could I do for the club? I didn’t have any
burning ambition to become a coach and
given I was feeling really good and physically
fit – the aches and pains had disappeared –
I realised where I’d be of best value was still on
the field. A week after the club management
came to see me in Munich in May, I decided to
give it a go. I started football specific training
almost immediately.
I have a really good feeling for the future
and for me the most important thing can be
described in a few words – “love of the club”.
I don’t think I would have made a comeback for
any other club. This was the only option for me,
and I hope I will get a lot of pleasure out of it.

Your return created a real buzz about
the club – Groningen sold1,600 extra
season tickets in the space of 30 minutes
after the announcement. What did you
make of that?
I was aware of some of the reaction. It was
double delight for us as a family, because the
excitement came just as we arrived after driving
up from Munich to begin our new lives, having
spent11 years in Germany and18 away from
Groningen. We got a great family welcome-
home party and then after checking my phone,
the reaction was very nice to see. The positive
reaction has given me a great feeling.

So, the coronavirus crisis played a major
role in this decision. Can you explain
this a little more?
Yes, it certainly played a part! You realise how
terrible and how tedious something like this
is, but then ironically there were one or two
positives. I don’t know if I’d have taken the
comeback decision if I hadn’t been cooped
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