2228May 019108yClon0CoeziDp May 2019 LXF249 29
Disk cloning tools roundup
lonezilla offers a lot of control over the cloning process.
You can use it to clone individual partitions or complete
disks, or to clone the disk or partitions to an image –
whichcan then be saved to another locally attached disk, or even
a removable drive. Rather than cloning to an image, Clonezilla can
also directly clone the disk or a partition to another disk or
partition. Although this process worked for us when cloning entire
disks, we wouldn’t recommend it and would rather suggest you
go via the imaging route, which is a lot safer and offers far more
flexibility than direct disk-to-disk cloning.
Much like Clonezilla, G4L has a very verbose interface, which
gives you several options to help fine-tune settings when creating
and restoring images. Like Clonezilla, you can use G4L in
separate modes, with the RAW mode that can clone all types
of disks and partitions being the most useful. You can save the
images locally or across the network via FTP, SSH, SMB or NFS.
For the impatient, G4L also offers the option to directly clone a
drive without imaging it first.
Unlike the previous programs, FOG Project doesn’t work as a
Live CD and thus has a different cloning mechanism. When you
use FOG Project to image a computer, it offers plenty of options,
with various fields to describe the host images. It can also
arrange the images into groups for easier management. There
are also several options to schedule the imaging process, if you
part from presenting you with a list of disks and partitions
to clone, Clonezilla also gives you options to compress
them using multiple compression algorithms, and even
optionally encrypt the cloned images for added security. A major
step in the cloning process is to select the storage location of the
cloned images, and Clonezilla enables you to save them to a locally
attached disk or on another computer via the network.
G4L has a huge list of menus that help you with each step. You
can earmark the partitions or disks you want to image, name the
image, select the compression algorithm and more. G4L will help
you transfer images to remote destinations on the network, and
you can also split them up for easier storage on smaller drives.
You can create several different tasks for any of the hosts in
FOG Project’s repository. You can run the Debug task which boots
a Linux image to a Bash prompt for fixing any boot errors. You can
also create a task to remote wipe hosts, to recover files with
Other custom
Do they offer enough options to
meet your cloning requirements?
Do they offer any supplementary
options to assist with cloning?
Direct disk-to-disk cloning options are faster than going via the image route,
but come with certain amount of risk and don’t offer the same flexibility.
WithFOGProjectyoucanalsotracka user’saccesstotheircomputers,andshut
downthemachinesaftera specifiedperiodofinactivity.
don’t wish to image them immediately. WereSync, meanwhile, is
a Python script that has a graphical interface and is designed for
regular users. The utility only offers direct drive-to-drive cloning,
instead of the more popular and safe drive-to-image cloning
option offered by the others.
Deepin Clone’s primary option is also a direct clone from one
disk to another, although it does offer the option to clone and
restore via an image too. The app enables you to clone complete
disks as well as individual partitions. Note however that it cannot
clone mounted partitions, nor can it save images on the same
partition or disk it is cloning. It also doesn’t offer any options to
compress, split or encrypt the cloned image.
ClonEzIllA 8/10
dEEpInClonE 5/10
FoGprojECT 8/10
G4l 8/10
WErESynC 6/10
ClonEzIllA 8/10
dEEpInClonE 4/10
FoGprojECT 9/10
G4l 8/10
WErESynC 5/10
They all offer enough dexterity for imaging a disk or partition.
The app-based options fare poorly in terms of imaging dexterity.
TestDisk, or to scan for viruses with ClamAV. The FOG Project
server can also install and manage printers on the network. FOG
Project can also install and uninstall apps via snapins.
Both WereSync and Deepin Clone offer very limited functionality
and are less flexible than the others.