the install options still won’t be there but mostly
because you’ll have just added a new layer of
filesystem abstraction to things. Use a program
like Etcher ( if you want
to do things graphically, or use dd if you prefer
the old fashioned way:
$ sudo dd if=/media/LXFDVD249/Kali/kali-
linux-mate-2019.1-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4K
The forementioned Unetbootin and Rufus
probably work on the Kali ISOs too, but we
haven’t tested that and we like Etcher.
Having a Kali USB stick avails you of its
persistence features (we left those options on
the DVD menu just to pique your interest). This
means you can carry around a customised Kali
Linux that you can boot anywhere without
touching the host machine.
Perhaps you’ll be working on database
dumps and need to save intermediate files
before getting an hour’s sleep and moving to the
next safehouse; maybe your coworker stole your
last USB stick (what, me?–Ed) and you just need
somewhere to save the cat GIFs du jour; maybe
you just really want to install Kali Linux (it’s
based on Debian and uses the same installer) –
nothing if not persistent
A small amount of further setup is needed to
use Kali’s persistence features. Mostly we need
to create our data partition in the extra space on
the USB stick. The Kali live partition occupies
about 3GB (actually 3214MB), so the difference
can be used to store data. We need to specify
the partition boundaries to create the partition;
the following worked for us with a 16GB stick:
Adding a
partition to
a USB stick
from a funky
terminal. (There
is absolutely
no need to
update fstab.)
$ sudo parted /dev/sdX mkpart primary 3214
You may have to decrease the end boundary if
it refuses or if you have a smaller capacity USB
stick – remember the usable capacity of these
things is never quite as advertised. You can
specify a value in megabytes (as in the start
boundary) or use the gb suffix for metric
gigabytes. You may also get some warnings
about not being able to use the exact start
values, or about the partition placement not
being ‘optimal’. These can be safely ignored
and the values it suggests are generally sensible.
Once that’s done, we can make our
filesystem. We’re a bit short of space here, so
we won’t cover setting up a LUKS-encrypted
volume here (you’ll find the details at https://, but adding an ext3 filesystem is
just a matter of
$ sudo mkfs.ext3 -L persistence /dev/sdX3
In order to use it, we need to create a config
file that tells Kali to use this partition for
persistent storage. That file should reside in the
root directory of the persistence volume and be
called persistence.conf. All it needs to contain
is the text:
/ union
Check the previous link if you need more details.
The Bookshelf is also back this month, and as
well as everything listed in that column over
yonder we’ve managed to find space for Kali
Linux Revealed, Offensive Security’s official 341-
page guide to the distro. This covers much more
than we could fit in this magazine, let alone
these two pages. The root password is ‘toor’ –
everything in Kali is done with root.
Advanced Bash
Scripting Guide
Bash Guide for Beginners
Get to grips with the basics
Bourne Shell Scripting
The Cathedral and
the Bazaar
Eric S. Raymond’s classic text
explains the advantages of
The Debian Book
Dive Into Python
Introduction to Linux
A handy guide full of pointers
Linux Dictionary
The A-Z of everything to do
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell
An introduction to the kernel
written by master hacker
The Linux System
Administrator’s Guide
Tools Summary
GNU Emacs Manual
Six hundred pages of
Producing Open Source
Programming from the
Ground Up
Take your first steps.
Want to delve more deeply? May 2019 LXF249 97