The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book - Projects_Book_v4

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(^164) The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book
Physically connecting to the Pi Zero inside is a massive hassle once the
case is screwed together. With the Pi Zero W connected to your home
network, though, it’s easy to connect to it remotely from another
computer using SSH.
On a Mac or Linux machine (which includes another Raspberry Pi!),
you can simply open the terminal or command line and enter the
following to connect:
ssh pi@retropie
It will prompt you for a password, which is raspberry. The
user name in this instance is pi, with retropie being the default
name for the system on the network.
Windows 10 has an SSH client built in; for older Windows machines,
you’ll need to use PuTTY
( to
connect. Once it’s installed,
you need to set the host name
to retropie, the port to 22, and
then click Open. You’ll need to
put in pi as the user name and
raspberry as the password.
Once inside, you can control
many aspects of the system
via the command line. If
you’ve used the terminal in
Raspbian, you’ll know how it
works: sudo reboot, ls, cd, etc.
Here’s some of the amazing advantages
of having the PiGRRL powered by Pi Zero W
You can ignore a lot of the PuTTY interface
when just connecting to the handheld
You can update RetroPie from the handheld itself
or via SSH in the command line. The keyboard
might be better suited for this, so if you’re by your
computer it wouldn’t hurt to use it instead.
From the handheld, you need to go to the
RetroPie menu in EmulationStation and activate
the setup script. From the terminal (if you’ve
SSHed in), you can use the following command:
sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/
From here, look for the ‘Update All Installed
Packages’ option. There are many options here
that you can select from, including managing the
individual packages in case you want to remove
or add any. To update, you can select the option
‘Update all installed packages’ (which will also
update the RetroPie-Setup script as well) or
you can go to ‘Manage packages’ and update the
packages individually. This could be useful if any
packages have some problems updating, or if you
want to do the essential updates before running
out of the house.

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