The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book - Projects_Book_v4

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Projects 23


on-board telemetry can be
uploaded to Azure and viewed as
a time-series event. “A team of
around 20 Microsoft volunteers
built mobile applications on
Xamarin for iOS, Android, and
Windows mobile, and a website in
Azure App Services.”
“Since day one, people have said
this project was just a little crazy,”
comments Brandyn. “Perhaps
that’s a bit of an understatement,
yet we couldn’t agree more. It’s
that very adventuring spirit that
has pushed us to continue to go
further, to do something few would
ever dare.”
Microsoft Research enabled the
team to stream live telemetry to
fans as the vehicle raced across
the empty desert. “We were
able to share over 500 million
points of telemetry to over 4500
people on Jessi’s first run alone,”
reveals Brandyn.
“We received messages from
users in Australia, New Zealand,
UK, France, Norway, and the USA.

One of the users watching Jessi
Combs’s first run sent a message
to the device with her approximate
top speed before she stopped.
“While we didn’t break the
records we had hoped for,” says
Brandyn, “what we found was a
reminder of why we love racing:
the undeniable rush of adrenaline

when things go right, despite the
setbacks along the way.”
“The North American Eagle
team, Ed Shadle, and Jessi Combs
have pushed themselves to the
limit in the race for a land speed
record,” adds Matt. “In the process,
they have made us all proud
members of the human race.”

Above The
North American
Eagle uses its jet
engine to achieve
astonishing speeds The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book 23

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