The Week - UK (2020-09-12)

(Antfer) #1
Dunedin Income GrowthInvestment Trust

ISAand Share Plan

Identifying compan ieswith thepotentialtod eliver both
shareprice growth andattractiveincomedemands
first-hand knowledge.

We insist on first-hand discussions with ev erycompanyinw hich
we invest, before we invest in theirshares.Becausewebelieve
gettingadeepunder standingof possible investmentsist he only
waytot ryto un earththe mostpromisingsources of re turn.

Pleaseremember, thevalue of sh ares andthe income from
them cangod ownaswellasu pand youmay getback le ss
than theamountinvested.Nor ecommendationism ade,
positive or otherwise,regardingthe IS Aand Shar ePlan.

We recommendyou seekfinancial advice priortom aking
an inv estm ent decision.

Request abrochure: 08085004000

We always want

to getcloser.

Issued by Aberde en Asset ManagersLimited,10Q ueen ’s Terrace, Aberdeen AB10 1XL, whichisauthorised and

regulate dbythe Financial ConductAuthorityin theUK. Telephonecallsmay be recorded. ab

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