Prepared and confi dent© 2015. Button signal range may vary due to environmental factors. For new customers only. Not to becombined with any other off er and subject to change without notice. Monthly fees and applicable taxesapply. Other fees may apply. Minimum stay on service may be required. No. 1 claim is based on numberof subscribers. AutoAlert does not detect 100% of falls. If able, users should always push their buttonwhen they need help.
Save $50 with free activationCall 1-855-552-philipslifeline.comThe time for a Lifeline medical alert system is beforeyou need help. In a fall or medical emergency, everysecond counts. Choose the medical alert service thatsaves more lives than any other.``````Lifeline with AutoAlert
- 24/7 access to help- Proven fall detection- Waterproof pendantSuperior protectionPhilips Lifeline is the #1 medical alert provider andthe only company off ering the proven eff ectivenessof AutoAlert. Weâve delivered peace of mind andindependence for 40 years. Philips Lifeline has beenrecommended by hundreds of thousands ofhealthcare professionals nationwide.``````Advanced technologyAutoAlert automatically calls for help if it detectsa fall. When you canât push your button, you candepend on our advanced fall-detection technology.``````ConvenienceAutoAlert integrates seamlessly with your lifestyle.The discreet, waterproof pendant can easily be wornin or outside your clothing and provides 24/7 accessThe Lifeline diff erence to help through our U.S. based response center.No long-term contractNo equipment to buyNo cancellation feeNo monthly fee increase, ever