APRIL I MAY 2015 COUNTRY WOMAN 29``````WHAT YOUâLL NEEDTV armoirePegboard cut to dimensions ofarmoire backingPegboard organizer kit or singlepegboard hooks (sold athardware stores)Dowels, buckets and crates ofvarying diameters and sizesCoarse- and medium-gritsandpaperLatex primer and paint (we usedsemigloss)Foam boardCork squares or panelsFabricFabric ribbonFabric glue (quick-drying)Wood glueSmall finish nailsHammerPaintbrush and rollerCraft knifeGlue gunNail gunPower sander, optionalNeedle-nose pliers, optional
DIRECTIONS1. Pry off armoire backing withhammer claw (use needle-nose pliers if hammer claw is toolarge); discard backing.
2. Sand armoire by hand orwith a power sanderusing coarse, then medium-grit sandpaper. Wipe all of thesurfaces clean of dust.
3. Protect work area withdrop cloth or paper. Apply1 coat of primer with a roller andpaintbrush, where necessary, andlet dry. Cover with 2-3 coats of
Give new life to thrift store finds.Refresh & RenewPROJECT 1 ARMOIRE TO CRAFT CENTERWe found this armoire at a thriftshop for $33. Customize yourswith colors that suit your style.``````paint, letting each dry completelybefore applying the next coat.
4. Sand the pegboard withmedium-grit sandpaper;wipe clean of dust.
5. Paint pegboard, using roller.Apply 2-3 coats, letting eachdry before applying the next coat.
6. Attach pegboard to back ofarmoire using nail gun. (Havea helper hold the board in place.)
7. For the bulletin boards,measure recessed panelson inside of doors and cut foamboard and cork to size with craftknife. Position cork on top offoam and secure with hot glue.
8. Place bulletin board, corkside down, on wrong sideof fabric. Trim fabric, leaving a1-in. border around edge. Run hotglue along back of one long sideof board close to the edge. Pullfabric taut and over glue to securein place. Repeat on opposite side,then finish short sides, folding incorners as if wrapping a present.
9. Attach bulletin boards toinside of armoire doors withwood glue. To set glue, gently tapa finish nail through cork, slightlypiercing armoire door at cornersof bulletin board, being carefulnot to drive the nail too far intothe wood. (Have a helper holdthe door steady.) Let glue setovernight. Remove nails gently.
10. Create a holder for cardsor paper instructions bycutting 2 pieces of fabric ribbonand placing them lengthwise overthe bulletin board to form an X.(Trim ends even to the angle of``````the board.) Glue in place 1 piece ata time at the corners only, usingquick-drying fabric glue.
11. To finish: Measure acontinuous length ofribbon around entire edge ofbulletin board, making cornerfolds at each turn and pinningas you go. Glue in place alongall edges and at corners. If thearmoire has inside shelves,add ribbon trim to the edge ofeach shelf, using hot glue. (Foldover edges to make neat ends.)Arrange hardware from organizerkit on pegboard as needed.