30 COUNTRY WOMAN COUNTRYWOMANMAGAZINE.COMGET CRAFTYWHAT YOUâLL NEEDFour 7-in. embroidery hoopsPendant light kit with Edison bulbSpray paintSmall fine-tooth handsawGlue gun
DIRECTIONS1. Remove all embroideryhardware from hoops. Markoff a 2¼-in. length on 3 hoops.(Keep the fourth hoop intact.)
2. Cut out the marked lengthswith a small fine-toothhandsaw to create an openingfor the light socket.
3. Make the orb: Hold the uncuthoop horizontally; position acut hoop inside it to make a plussign at the joins, keeping the cutend at the top. Hot glue where``````the hoops join. Add the remaining2 cut hoops around the outsideof the ring, crisscrossing them atthe bottom and keeping cut endsat the top. Glue all joins and allowto dry completely.
4. Assemble pendant light kitaccording to directions.
5. Before you paint, test thatthe orb fits over the bulband socket. It should rest on theoutside edge of the socket ring.
6. Spray paint the orb fixture ina ventilated area. Let it drythoroughly before attaching it tothe pendant light.Note: To position light inside anarmoire, drill a hole in the top ofthe cabinet and drop the pendantlight in before attaching the orbto the socket ring.
Orb LightPendantEmbroidery hoops, some spraypaint and a light kit combine tobrighten up your craft center.
BRIGHT IDEASCover clothespins withwashi tape or colorfulscrapbook paper. Usewith hooks to securea lightweight basketto pegboard.``````Store rolls of thread ona spool rack.``````Use egg cartons to holdbeads and charms forjewelry crafts. (Findmore uses for eggcartons on page 14.)``````Hang rolls of ribbon,washi tape and craftpaper over woodendowels attached topegboard hooks.``````Repurpose soup cans tohold knitting needles,paintbrushes or pencils.``````Get hands-onwith more DIYprojects atcountrywomanmagazine.com/home-crafts.