Country Woman

(Joyce) #1

64 COUNTRY WOMAN COUNTRYWOMANMAGAZINE.COMCONTRIBUTOR GUIDELINES1. Email your submissions to us [email protected], ormail to COUNTRY WOMAN, 1610 N 2NDST STE 102, MILWAUKEE WI 53212-3906.2. Include your name, daytime phonenumber, email address and mailing addresswith each submission. If you use a postoffice box, give us your street address, too.3. Note which department you’resubmitting for, and whether the materialhas been published before.4. Save your stamps! We cannot returnmaterials, so please send good-qualityprints of photos. Our small staff can’tacknowledge receipt of materials nor offerstatus reports on them, but we will notifyyou if your submission is published.5. We accept high-resolution digital imagesor color prints on photo paper. Digitalimages should be about 4x6 inches at aminimum resolution of 300 dots per inch,or about 1200x1800 pixels. Photos mustbe in focus and of good quality.6. If we publish your material, we willsend you a complimentary copy ofthe issue in which it^ appears, and anypayment as mentioned or at our normalcontributor rates.7. By submitting material for publication,you grant RDA Enthusiast Brands, LLC,and its parent company, subsidiaries,affiliates, partners and licensees use of thematerial, including your name, hometownand state or province. We reserve the rightto modify, reproduce and distribute thematerial in any medium and in any manneror appropriate place. We may contact youvia phone, email or ground mail regardingyour submission.Contact UsCustomer CareFor subscriptions, renewals,gifts, payments, account infoand inquiries:Email: [email protected]: 888-861-1264Write:COUNTRY WOMANCUSTOMER CAREPO BOX 5294HARLAN IA 51593-0794``````Buy single issuesCall: 888-861-1264``````Sell Country Womanin your [email protected]``````Advertise in Country WomanCall: 414-423-3736``````Editorial officesEmail: [email protected]: COUNTRY WOMAN1610 N 2ND ST STE 102MILWAUKEE WI 53212-3906Call: 414-423-0100``````Submit a recipeVisit: countrywomanmagazine.comWrite: COUNTRY WOMAN1610 N 2ND ST STE 102MILWAUKEE WI 53212-3906``````Share a story, photo orcommentSee Contributor Guidelines, aboveFind us on``````Follow us on``````Follow us on``````We love hearing from readers—your contributionsare the heart of Country Woman. Here’s how toshare a story, photo, tip or comment.RECIPE INDEXCrossword Answers from page 62``````Sudoku Answers from page 627 8 2 3 1 6 4 9 5``````6 3 9 5 4 7 1 2 8``````1 4 5 8 9 2 7 6 3``````9 2 6 1 5 3 8 4 7``````4 1 7 9 6 8 3 5 2``````3 5 8 2 7 4 9 1 6``````8 9 1 7 2 5 6 3 4``````2 6 3 4 8 1 5 7 9``````5 7 4 6 3 9 2 8 1``````L I S P A F R O R A MO W I E R E E F A H AY O R E D A F F O D I LP L O T S A I N TA P P E A R M E R I T SW E I R D L J U TE G G S W B A D J E E RS U M S C A R V EB A N D E D S S A C R E DA R O S E K I N KB U I L D I N G E L M OA B S E V E N T O A DR A E D Y E S S A N D``````Biscuit Baking Mix ........................................... 37Chicks-on-the-Ranch Deviled Eggs .......... 34Cinnamon-Sugar Scones .............................. 37Creamy Salmon Linguine .............................. 42Curry On Deviled Eggs .................................. 35Dazzling Dirty Martini Deviled Eggs ......... 34Dill-icious Deviled Eggs ................................. 34Garlic Lime Salmon ....................................... 42Glazed Spiced Carrots ..................................... 13Glazed Spiral-Sliced Ham ............................ 41Hoisin-It-Nice Deviled Eggs ....................... 35Hop-to-It Deviled Eggs .................................. 34Li’l Devil Eggs .................................................... 35Little Italy Deviled Eggs ............................... 35Lone Star Deviled Eggs ................................. 34Picnic Berry Shortcakes ............................... 44Prosciutto & Cheddar BreakfastBiscuits .......................................................... 37Salsa Dipper Deviled Eggs ........................... 34Scalloped Potatoes ’n’ Ham Casserole .... 41Tater Salad Deviled Eggs ............................. 35West Coaster Deviled Eggs ........................ 35Whole Wheat Strawberry Shortcakes .... 38

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