
(Nora) #1


BIRD (make one each
in yarn D and yarn F)
Using 3.75mm needles cast on
six sts
£ Row 1: p
£ Row 2: (kb) to end. 12 sts

£ Row 3: p
£ Row 4: (kb) to end. 24 sts
£ Rows 5-7: beg with a p row,
work in st st
£ Row 8: (k1, k2tog) to end. 16 sts
£ Rows 9-11: beg with a p row,
work in st st
£ Row 12: (k2tog) to end.
Eight sts
£ Row 13: (p2tog) to end.
Four sts
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread
through rem sts, pull tight and
fasten of

WINGS (make two per bird
in same colour as body)
Using 3.75mm needles

cast on four sts
£ Rows 1-3: beg with a k row,
work in st st
£ Row 4: (p2tog) twice. Two sts
£ Row 5: k2tog. One st
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread
through rem sts, pull tight and
fasten of

Front: sew two sections together
on wrong side, leaving a gap to
place cardboard inside. Turn right
side out and cut a cardboard
piece to it section. Place
cardboard inside knitted piece
and sew hole up. Repeat for Back.
Form Roof by placing top and

bottom sections together on
wrong side. Then, sew around
the two pieces leaving a gap.
Turn right side out and cut
cardboard to it this section,
place cardboard inside and sew
gap together. Fold roof edging in
half lengthwise on right side and
sew cast-on edge to cast-of edge
to show picot edge. Sew Roof
edge to front.

The two Sides, Floor and Base
with perch are made up in same
way. Fold knitted section in half
and sew up row edges on wrong
side leaving cast-on and cast-of
edges open. Turn right side out
and cut cardboard to it sections.
Place cardboard inside and sew
up hole.

Sew Floor, Front, Back and Sides
together to make walls and loor
of house. Sew Base with perch to
bottom of house. Attach Roof to
one side of house leaving other
side of Roof open so it can be
lifted for access. Make a 10cm
long crochet chain and attach to
centre of Roof side. Sew button to
side of house to hook crochet
chain around.

Birds: gather cast-on stitches then
sew up row edges to yarn tail on
wrong side. Turn right side out
and stuf irmly, gather up yarn tail
and secure. Attach a wing to
either side of bird. Using yarn E,
embroider beak and feet, then
use yarn H to embroider two
eyes. Add a few tufts of yarn to
top of head to make feathers.
Attach one bird to top of house
and one to perch.

Flowers: gather up stitches from
yarn tail centre of lower to
cast-on edge, gather around
cast-on stitches and secure.
Using yarn from middle of the
back of the lower pull up through
centre of lower. Sew in this way
to make ive petals pulling yarn
tightly each time. Attach one leaf
to back of each lower.

Embroider a chain stitch in yarn B
to make a stem on front of
house, attach Leaves and Flowers
to this using photograph as a
guide for placement.

Make bird hole by gathering
up cast-on stitches and sewing
up row edges to cast-of edge to
form a circle. Sew this to front of

Fill house with chocolate eggs! LK


“Attach the
roof to the
project last,
so it is sturdy
before sewing
it into place”
LK DESIGNER, Nicola Valiji

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