
(Nora) #1


SLEEVES (make two)
Using 3.25mm straight needles
and yarn C, cast on 40 (44, 48,
52, 56) sts
Change to yarn A
£ Set up row (WS): p to end
£ Work in [k2, p2] rib for 7 (9, 11,
13, 13) rows
£ Next row: p to end
Change to 4mm needles
£ Beg with a k row, work in st st
foll same stripe sequence as
body, then cont in yarn C only, AT
shaping as folls:
£ Rows 1-6: beg with a k row,
work in st st stripe sequence
£ Inc one st at each end of next
and every foll sixth row 2 (3, 0, 4,
4) times
£ Inc one st at each end of every
foll eighth row 5 (5, 8, 7, 8) times.
56 (62, 66, 76, 82) sts
£ Cont working in st st as set
until piece meas 31.5 (33.5, 37, 41,
45) cm from cast-on edge, ending
after a WS row
£ Cast of

Join right shoulder seam
£ Using 3.25mm needles and
yarn C, with RS facing, pick up
and k 23 (23, 24, 23, 23) sts
evenly along left side of neck,
work across 10 (12, 12, 14, 14) sts
left on holder at front of neck,
pick up and k 23 (23, 24, 23, 23)
sts evenly along right side of
neck, pick up and k 32 (34, 36,
40, 40) from cast-of sts at back
of neck. 88 (92, 96, 100, 100) sts
Change to yarn A
£ Row 1: p to end
£ Work in [k2, p2] rib for 5 (5, 5,
7, 9) rows
£ Next row: p to end
Change to yarn C
£ Next row: k to end
£ Cast of using Elizabeth
Zimmerman's sewn bind of
method (or stretchy cast of
method of choice)

EARS (make two)
Using 3.25mm needles and
yarn D, cast on 22 sts
£ Rows 1-3: k to end
Change to yarn E
£ Row 4: p to end
£ Row 5: k1, (k1, ssk) three times,
k2, (k2tog, k1) three times, k1.
16 sts
£ Row 6: p to end
£ Row 7: k1, (k1, ssk) twice, k2,
(k2tog, k1) twice, k1. 12 sts
£ Row 8: p to end
£ Row 9: (ssk) three times,
(k2tog) three times. Six sts
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread
through rem sts, pull tight and
fasten of

Using 3.25mm dpns and yarn D,

cast on ten sts, * DO NOT TURN,
slide these sts to other end of
needle, k10, pull yarn tight across
back of sts, rep from * until piece
meas 28cm from cast-on edge
£ (K2tog) ive times. Five sts
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread
through rem sts, pull and
fasten of

EYES (make two)
Using 3.25mm dpns and white
yarn oddments, cast on 21 sts
over three dpns, join into round
taking care not to twist
£ Rnds 1-2: k to end
£ Rnd 3: (k1, k2tog) seven times.
14 sts
£ Rnds 4-5: k to end
Change to black yarn oddments
£ Rnd 6: (k2tog) seven times.

On the front of this jumper
the stripes and the monkey
face motif are worked at the
same time. This means you
will need to wind separate
bobbins for the second half
of each stripe. Twist the two
yarns together where the
stripes and the monkey motif
meet to prevent a hole.



Seven sts
£ Cut yarn leaving a long tail,
thread through rem sts, pull
tight and fasten of

To make up
Join left shoulder and
Neckband seams, fold
Sleeves in half lengthwise
and place stitch marker at
fold, use this to line centre of
sleeve cap with shoulder
seam, then pin sleeve into
place. Sew into position,
joining inal rows to cast-of
stitches under arm. Using
image as guide, sew on Eyes,
Ears and Tail. Embroider on
mouth and nose using yarn
D. Join side and sleeve
seams. Block LK



has a close
neck, so be careful
not to cast off too
tightly. I recommend
using Elizabeth
Zimmerman's sewn
bind off; you can
find tutorials for
this on YouTube”
Jane Burns
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