
(Nora) #1

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times around.

WorkRound 54 ( 54 : 54 : 66 : 66 : 66 ) ofChart,increasing0 ( 0 : 1 : 2 : 2 :
1 ) sts evenly in Yarn A. [276( 312 : 340 : 368 : 398 : 418 ) sts]

Pieceshouldmeasure approx 23( 23 : 23 : 27 : 27 : 27 )cm from the
cast-on edge.

CutallyarnsexceptYarnA andcontinststinYarnA until piece
meas 23( 23 : 25 : 27 : 29 : 31 )cm from the cast-on edge.

NextroundWork 41 ( 46 : 50 : 55 : 61 : 65 ) stsinstst,placethenext
56 ( 64 : 70 : 74 : 76 : 78 ) stsonholderforSleeve,caston8 ( 8 : 10 : 10 :
12 : 14 ) sts,work 82 ( 92 : 100 : 110 : 123 : 131 ) stsinstst,placethe
next 56 ( 64 : 70 : 74 : 76 : 78 ) stsonholderforSleeve,caston8 ( 8 :
10 : 10 : 12 : 14 ) stsandworktheremaining 41 ( 46 : 50 : 55 : 62 : 66 ) sts
instockingstitch.[180( 200 : 220 : 240 : 270 : 290 ) sts]
Cutyarnandplacelockingmarker or waste yarn in last st to
measurefrom here later.

Slipnext 45 ( 50 : 55 : 60 : 67 : 72 ) sts to RH needle and PM to mark
Rejoin Yarn A and work3 ( 3 : 3 : 4 : 4 : 5 )cm in st st.

Round 1 (K2tog,yo,K8) rep to end.
Rounds 210 Knit.
Round 11 (K5, K2tog, yo, K3) rep to end.

Rounds 12 to 20 Knit.
RepRounds1 to 20 of lace pattern once more, then work Rounds 1
to 11 once more.

Continststuntilpiecemeas 23 ( 25 : 25 : 25 : 25 : 25 )cm from marker
or 4cm less than desired length.

IncroundK2,(M1,K5) 35 ( 39 : 43 : 47 : 53 : 57 ) times, M1, K3.
[216( 240 : 264 : 288 : 324 : 348 ) sts]

Changeto3mmcircularneedles, 80cm long and work rib round as
for Neck until rib meas 4cm.


Round 1 WithRSfacing,4mmDPNsandYarnA,knitacross 56 ( 64 :
70 : 74 : 76 : 78 ) stsfromholderandpickupandknit1 stineachof
the8 ( 8 : 10 : 10 : 12 : 14 ) castonsunderthearm,placinga marker
afterthe4th(4th:5th:5th:6th:7th) picked up st to mark beg of
round. [64( 72 : 80 : 84 : 88 : 92 ) sts]

Work in st st until Sleeve meas2 ( 2 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 3 )cm.

Dec round K1, skpo, K to 3 sts before SM, k2tog, K1. [2 sts dec’d]

Continstst,repeatingDecroundevery4 ( 3 : 2 : 2 :1.5:1.5)cm
9 ( 12 : 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 ) moretimes,ATTHESAMETIMEwhenthereare
62 ( 70 : 80 : 82 : 88 : 92 ) sts on the needle, begin working in Lace
Pattern as folls:

Round 1 K0( 4 : 4 : 0 : 3 : 0 ), (K2tog, yo, K8) to last2 ( 6 : 6 : 2 : 5 : 2 ) sts,
K2tog,yo,K toend.
Round 11 K0( 4 : 4 : 0 : 3 : 0 ), (K5, K2tog, yo, K3) to last2 ( 6 : 6 : 2 : 5 : 2 )
sts,K toend.
Rounds 12 to 20 Knit.

RepRounds1 to 20 oncemore,thenworkRows1 to 11 once,making
decrease. [44( 46 : 48 : 50 : 52 : 54 ) sts when all decs are complete]

Continststwithoutshapinguntilsleevemeas 39 ( 39 : 38 : 36 : 35 :
33 )cm from the yoke division or 4cm less than desired length.

NoteShortermeasurements in larger sizes due to wider neck and
longer yoke.

NextroundKnit,increasing4 ( 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 ) sts evenly.
[48( 48 : 48 : 52 : 52 : 56 ) sts]

Changeto 3mm DPNs and work rib as for neck until rib measures

Castoff loosely in rib.


Weaveinendsandgentlyblocktomeasurements, following any
yarn care instructions on the ball band.

Castonina differentshade
to create a subtle ombre effect
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