Barron’s - USA (2020-09-28)

(Antfer) #1

September 28, 2020 BARRON’S 13

businesses, it’s that the court is likely to

be friendlier to free enterprise—chip-

ping away at regulatory powers, re-

straining consumer rights to sue, and

handing victories to companies on a

host of issues.

The court’s next term, starting Oct.

5, includes a high-profile battle be-

tween Alphabet (ticker: GOOGL) and

Oracle (ORCL) over software copy-

right: Oracle claims Alphabet owes it

$9 billion for code that Google used in

its Android operating system; Alpha-

bet says it doesn’t owe Oracle anything,

partly due to “fair use” legal principles.

Also on the docket: Facebook (FB)

is defending itself over potential fines

for robocalls. Ford Motor (F) says it

shouldn’t face liability for a car crash

in Montana. Cargill and Nestlé

(NESN.Switzerland) are co-defending

claims that they abetted child slave

labor in Africa, addressing corporate

liability for human rights abuses out-

side the U.S.

The government’s capacity to levy

fines for corporate wrongdoing is also

being challenged. And the Affordable

Care Act faces another test. The court

is scheduled to hear arguments over

the law’s controversial “individual

mandate” that every American must

have health insurance. Some legal

experts see the ACA’s survival dim-

ming without the mandate. Chief Jus-

tice John Roberts was the swing vote

that kept the mandate alive in 2012,

but he may be on the dissenting side

with one less liberal in the fold.

Beyond this term, the court’s new

makeup could have a major impact on

the tech industry. The Department of

Justice may be close to filing an anti-

trust case against Alphabet. A suit

against Facebook may be coming, and

antitrust probes are underway against (AMZN). Apple

(AAPL) is also on the defense, after

the court allowed a class-action case to

proceed involving claims of anticom-

petitive pricing at its App Store.

Court rulings are unpredictable, of

course, and the breakdown isn’t al-

ways between conservatives and liber-

als. President Trump’s last two ap-

pointees split in the Apple case, with

Brett Kavanaugh joining the liberal

wing and Neil Gorsuch dissenting.

“A conservative philosophy doesn’t

necessarily mean a pro-business out-

come,” says William Jay, a partner at

law firm Goodwin and a former clerk

for Antonin Scalia. “Business cases

don’t divide the court the way that

high-profile 5-4 decisions on constitu-

tional or social issues do, and there

are cases in which conservative jus-

tices vote against business interests.”

Nicole Saharsky, a veteran Su-

preme Court litigator, doesn’t expect a

sea change in decisions with another

Trump appointee. “Would a conserva-

tive justice rule for business more

than Ginsburg? Yes, but it probably

won’t make a difference in outcomes,”

she says.

But ideological divides are likely to

harden on the court, impacting not

just rulings, but also the critical word-

ing of opinions, and petitions for cases

to be heard. Barrett is known as a

reliably conservative judge; she

clerked for Scalia and advocates a

“textualist” approach to statutes,

avoiding expansive interpretations.

She came out against the ACA in a

2017 law review article, criticizing

Roberts’ vote to save the law’s individ-

ual mandate.

Conservatives such as Barrett tend

to be more skeptical of regulatory

powers and aim to roll back “defer-

ence” to federal agencies—the practice

of granting them latitude to interpret

laws and impose remedies and fines.

That deference, stemming from a

1984 Supreme Court case involving

Chevron (CVX), has been challenged

repeatedly by conservative groups.

Antitrust claims may also face steeper

hurdles since conservatives tend to

set a higher bar for proving economic

harm, according to Joel Mitnick, an

antitrust expert at law firm Cad-


Adding another conservative to

the bench could solidify those princi-

ples, says Dennis Kelleher, head of

Better Markets, an investor advocacy

group and a former senior staffer to

Senate Democrats. He expects the

justices to hear more cases that could

chip away at the postwar “adminis-

trative state” framework that evolved

out of FDR’s New Deal laws from the

1930s. “This is the big sleeper issue

that is going to prevail in the coming

6-3 court and change the contours of

not just the law, but of American life

itself, in a way not seen since the New

Deal,” he says.

Conservative attorneys say a drift

to the right is what’s needed to rem-

edy decades of regulatory overreach.

“What you’re seeing—and this should

be good news for everyone—is that

justices are trying to be careful not to

write legislation, which isn’t their

job,” says Elizabeth Papez, a partner

at law firm Gibson Dunn and former

clerk for Justice Clarence Thomas.

The Facebook case, she says, is a

prime example of the government

potentially exposing corporations to

billions of dollars in fines and litiga-

tion, based on a few ambiguous

words in a 1991 consumer-protection

law. “Whether or not Ginbsurg was

on the court, you’d have a majority

saying that wasn’t the intent of this

statute,” she says.

Nonetheless, one big winner could

be the Chamber of Commerce. Gins-

burg ruled in favor of the Chamber’s

positions 46% of the time—less than

any other justice—versus 86% for Gor-

such at the other end of the spectrum,

according to the Constitutional Ac-

How a New Court Could

Redefine Free Enterprise

A more conservative Supreme Court will face a raft of thorny business cases. The

outcomes may chip away at regulation, but they aren’t as clear-cut as they seem.

“Would a


justice rule

for business

more than


Yes, but it


won’t make a

difference in


Nicole Saharsky


resident Donald Trump

appears poised to cement a

supermajority of conserva-

tive justices on the nation’s

highest court. The pre-

sumptive nominee to fill

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat

is Amy Coney Barrett, a federal ap-

peals court judge, and Senate Republi-

cans aim to confirm her before or after

the election inNovember.

The battle over Trump’s nominee is

likely to consume Washington over the

next few weeks, stalling other legisla-

tive action, including another coronavi-

rus relief package. The markets have

grown skittish at the prospect of a fight

that could extend past the election.

And President Trump has said he

wants a new justice to weigh in on the

results. Chaos isn’t good for Wall

Street, but if there’s good news for


With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader

Ginsburg, the Supreme Court may well grow

more conservative, just as a number of

high-profile cases affecting business—and

perhaps the election—will be heard.

Craig Hudson/Bloomberg

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