Barron’s - USA (2020-09-28)

(Antfer) #1

6 BARRON’S September 28, 2020


Election Day this year is a misnomer. Counting the

ballots could extend for days and weeks as a

result ofexpanded mail and early voting.

Hard-Ball Time

Nears for Baseball

...And Politics


t this time of year,

baseball normally

would be ending its

marathon 162-game

regular season and be

about to begin post-

season play, culmi-

nating in the World Series at the end

of October. This being 2020, nothing

is normal. After a Covid-abbreviated

60-game regular campaign, an ex-

panded roster of 16 teams will vie in

the playoffs, with the World Series

winding up in Arlington, Texas, home

of the Rangers, a team that won’t even

be in the playoffs.

The U.S. presidential race also en-

ters its final and most crucial stage

this week, with Republican President

Donald Trump facing his Democratic

challenger, former Vice President Joe

Biden, in their first debate on Tuesday

evening. That will be the culmination

of a seemingly endless process, even

longer than a normal baseball cam-

paign, that got under way with the

first debate among the Dems’ contend-

ers (and not a few pretenders) back in

mid-2019. In comparison, an ele-

phant’s gestation period is 18 to 22

months, and it takes 11 to 14 months

for a donkey’s foal to emerge.

The presidential and congressional

elections have been rumbling in the

financial markets’ background for

weeks, but are moving to the forefront

now. Friday also will bring the Sep-

tember employment report, the final

jobs data to be released before Elec-

tion Day, Nov. 3. The economic num-

bers this time might affect the political

world even more than the markets,

given the importance of voters’ pock-

etbooks on their election decisions.

Election Day this year is a misno-

mer, however, because counting the

ballots could extend for days and

weeks as a result of expanded mail

and early voting. The uncertainty

from what could be a delayed and

contentious tally is expressed in the

pricing of options well beyond Nov. 3.

The graph of implied volatility of

at-the-money options on the S&P

500 shows a “kink” in contracts ex-

piring in two-to-three months, says

Peter Cecchini, founder of Alpha-

Omega Advisors and former global

chief market strategist at Cantor

Fitzgerald. After that, the curve

slopes downward, indicating a per-

ception of receding risk. A year ago,

in contrast, the volatility curve sloped

gently upward to represent slightly

greater risk on options expiring on a

more distant date.

“Of course, it’s not just the elec-

tion,” he writes in an email. “Since

then, there’s been a pandemic and

recession.” Federal Reserve Chair-

man Jerome Powell has been espe-

cially explicit in calling for additional

fiscal policy assists for the economy,

which Cecchini suggests reflects a

lack of “monetary policy space,” with

the central bank already pinning its

federal-funds target rate near 0%

and buying $120 billion of Treasury

and agency mortgage securities each

month. Further adding to the options

market’s disquiet is Trump’s refusal

to pledge a peaceful transfer of

power should he lose the election,

Cecchini adds.

The chances of a pre-election fiscal

package are far from certain, espe-

cially with the coming contentious

confirmation fight over the Supreme

Court vacancy left by Justice Ruth

Bader Ginsburg’s death. However,

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

said on Thursday that he and Demo-

cratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are

continuing negotiations over a new

stimulus bill. Democrats are drafting a

$2.4 trillion measure, smaller than the

$3 trillion-plus Heroes Act passed by

the House in May, but still far larger

By Randall W.


The presidential

campaign will head

toward the home

stretch Tuesday

evening, as Donald

Trump and Joe

Biden face off in

their first debate.

than what Republicans have been

willing to support.

The GOP has resisted another mul-

titrillion-dollar deal since recent eco-

nomic data portray an apparent sharp,

V-shaped recovery. Early estimates of

the September jobs numbers to be

reported on Friday call for an increase

in nonfarm payrolls of 850,000 to

900,000, a robust gain but shy of the

previous month’s 1,371,000 jump.

(Hiring of temporary census workers

boosted August’s payrolls by 240,000,

while 40,000 of them were let go in

September, according to Capital Eco-

nomics’ estimates.)

The effects of the federal fiscal re-

lief thus far, notably the $2.3 trillion

Cares Act, are waning, with the end of

$600 weekly supplemental unem-

ployment benefits in August. With

prospects of further income support

fading, Wall Street economists are

sharply lowering their growth fore-

casts for the year’s final quarter. Gold-

man Sachs cut its fourth-quarter real

gross domestic product growth num-

ber in half, to 3% from 6%. JPMorgan

trimmed its estimate to 2.5% from


To be sure, that would follow what

could be a huge 30% annualized rate

of expansion in the current quarter,

which would still fall short of the

31.7% annualized contraction in the

second quarter, when much of the U.S.

economy was shut down.

While the markets will be watching

the world of politics, financial and

economic variables might have more

impact on the presidential outcome.

According to a new model constructed

by Strategas’ Washington policy strat-

egy team led by Dan Clifton, the in-

cumbent party candidate’s popular

vote results have been accurately pre-

dicted by four variables. These are the

S&P 500’s performance three months

ahead of Election Day; the value of the

dollar (weaker being better); the in-

cumbent’s approval rating; and the

state of the economy.

Strategas’ model has predicted the

popular vote of the incumbent party’s

candidate within 0.75 of a percentage

point since 1988. (Excluding the 2008

election during the Great Financial

Crisis, the margin was 0.18 of a point.) Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images ; Tom Brenner /Getty Images

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