New Scientist - USA (2020-10-03)

(Antfer) #1

8 October 2020 6pm BST/1pm EDT



Ilyas Khan, CEO and founder of Cambridge Quantum Computing, takes a close

look at the current state of play in quantum computing. One hundred organisations

have built, or are in the process of building a quantum computer, and huge sums of

money are going into government-funded research programmes. Ilyas will review

the rapid progress being made by a range of companies including Google, IBM and

Microsoft and ask whether it’s time to believe the hype.

Also included in your ticket bonus on-demand lecture: “Where does the quantum world end?”

by quantum physicist, Vlatko Vedral and selected New Scientist articles including:

  • Quantum code: why building the ultimate computer is the easy bit

  • Unbreakable: the race to protect our secrets from quantum hacks

  • The quantum world is infamously weird: now we might know why

Book now for just £15 (approx US$19)


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