Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


Nature-Based Expressive Arts

Cultivating an Aesthetic Response to the World

In the saddle of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains
mother moon rose golden
over desert sand
We were there for the quiet
preserved in public land
and pre-dawn light
We were there for the sacraments
Chop wood. Carry water.
Stack stone. Make fire.
With the silent smoke of sage and cedar
we blessed our noise weary bones
at last, coming home.
Melia Snyder

In this summary chapter we integrate the ideas and experiences
discussed in the previous chapters and reflect upon the intertwining
lateral rootlets and rhizomatic relationships among the stories
we have shared. We discuss the themes that have emerged in our
research and the application of these themes to professional work
and to life. Like the horizontal root systems of the aspen grove, the

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