Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


passes the sage around the circle inviting the group to pass the smoke
over their bodies. “This herb is from my garden. I use it for cooking
and for ceremonies. The smoke of sage often is used for cleansing the
heart and mind in preparation for important work.”
She invites the students to stand:
We open class in this ritual way to mark that this is a time and
space set apart from ordinary life. Here we make a space together
to share who we are, to create and to learn. This is a sacred space.
We begin with the breath. First just breathe and pay attention to
the rhythm of your own breathing. Notice how the breath goes
on, even without your conscious intention. This is the literal way
we are connected to each other through the living air.
Now as you inhale, fully open your arms wide, then stretch
them high above your head. As you exhale let them drop. Do it
again. Notice how this movement deepens your breathing and
opens your chest, your heart space. Do it again. This time as you
exhale bring your thumbs together, and as you lower your arms
touch your head chakra and your heart chakra. We do this to set
an intention to create a heart/mind space for learning, where we
can think with our hearts and feel with our minds.
Bring your hands to your heart. Now breathe out. Open your
arms. Open your heart to the world. Breathe in. Bring your hands
back to your heart. Take the world into your heart. Breathe out.
Open your hearts to each other. Look around. Breathe in. Take
each other into your hearts. And again.

Then she speaks a poem. This morning it is from Rumi: “The breeze
at dawn has secrets to tell you...don’t go back to sleep...people are
moving back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds
touch. The door is round and open...” (Rumi 1995, p.36)

Now we will cast the circle. Let’s be seated. We sit in a circle to
recognize that everyone holds an equal place, and it is important
to hear each person’s voice. Tell who you are, what brought you
here and what you are really hoping for in this class today.
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