Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


Time and space requirements

Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes (time requirements will vary
depending upon the age of participants). Young children typically
are natural movers and need less verbal processing. Adults may need
more time for verbal processing.

Appropriate clientele

This is a simple but powerful structure to help clients experience a
sensory connection with the body and with natural elements. This
exercise offers the opportunity to practice moving and being witnessed
within the expressive arts framework of aesthetic responding. This is
a structure that can be adapted to clients of any age. Language should
be adjusted appropriately if working with children in order to be
developmentally accessible.

Appropriate timing

This body-centered activity could be adapted for use at any stage
of group process. It could provide an initial introductory experience
for the participants with each other near the beginning of a group.
However, this activity could be most effective after a group has
already had a brief introduction to movement and/or expressive arts
processing. For participants for whom movement is a new modality,
body issues, fears and resistance are not unusual. The non-judgmental
presence and modeling of the leader are important aspects.

Step-by-step description of the activity

  1. The leader begins the group experience by inviting participants
    to join a standing circle and inviting each participant to share
    his or her name and a movement reflecting the participant’s
    feeling in the moment. The leader should demonstrate to
    begin. For example, the leader might say: “My name is...
    Today I feel...excited...scared...tired...,” and demonstrate a

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