Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


or couples work. It would also be appropriate to use for the purposes
of professional or organizational development.

Appropriate timing

This activity is appropriate to support clients during any challenge
but is especially potent in times of conflict, ambiguity, stagnation,
transition or change.

Step-by-step description of the activity

The following process is referred to as the GRACE model (Snyder
2014), and has been successfully utilized in expressive arts work in
both therapeutic and organizational settings. Modify as needed to
accommodate differences in ability.

  • Grounding (5 min.)

̊ Beginning inside, support clients in making connections
between their physical being and the natural world.

̊ Example:

  • Welcome and brief orientation (introductions if needed).

  • Ring a chime or singing bowl.

  • Opening poem: When I Am Among the Trees by Mary

  • Grounding breath and embodiment: “Like the trees,
    imagine taking in nutrients from the earth beneath you
    through the soles of your feet. With each inhale, scoop
    these resources up your body with your hands, extending
    your arms overhead. Imagine these resources filling you
    from your toes, through your feet and ankles, up your
    calves and thighs, your hips and stomach, your chest,
    neck, and head, your arms and finger tips extended above
    you now like the branches of a tree. With each exhale,

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