Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


̊ (20 min.) Once participants are gathered, provide the
following instructions: “For the next 20 minutes, I invite
you to continue walking slowly in nature. Pay attention to
the phenomenal world around you. Just be present and if,
in the spirit of Mary Oliver, you wish to ‘stay awhile’ in one
place or with a certain nature being you encounter, please
do so. When you hear the drum (or other way of calling the
group back), please return to this tree. You may leave your
journals here while you go on your walk or take them with
you, but this is a time for walking and paying attention, not
for writing.”

  • Connection (15 min.)

̊ After all participants have returned to the meeting place,
instruct them to find a comfortable place within hearing
distance of you to write for the next 10–15 minutes.

̊ Provide the following prompts one by one (or have
typed and give to participants). Allow about two minutes
per prompt:

  • “What stood out most to you on your walk? Describe this
    using rich descriptive sensory-based language.”

  • “What surprised you on your walk?”

  • “What challenges, obstacles or choices did you face on
    your walk? How did you navigate them?”

  • “Who or what did you meet on your walk that felt like a
    resource or an ally?”

  • “How was this walk different from your normal walk?”

  • “What does your walk and experience on the path have
    to say to your initial challenge or question?”

  • Expression (30 min.)

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