Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


the activity by making a drumstick; this helps model the necessary
steps in completing the activity.

To make the drumstick

  1. Begin by using sandpaper to sand the bark on the stick down
    to the wood; sand two-thirds of the stick down, so that there
    is handle with bark for gripping during drumming.

  2. Begin crafting the drumstick head by taking a piece of the
    pre-cut wool or fabric, wrapping it tightly around the top part
    of the stick, and tying it off with sinew. It may resemble a
    lollipop. The facilitator may need to help the children with
    this step.

  3. Take a pre-cut leather circle, wrap it tightly around the wool/
    fabric drumstick head, and tie it off tightly at the bottom
    around the stick with sinew.

  4. To decorate the drumstick, the facilitator begins by drilling a
    small hole in the bottom part of the stick handle. The children
    can then use the leather string and wooden beads, stringing
    them through the hole and tying them off in a loop.

  5. Once all the sticks are made, the facilitator introduces the
    children to the drums. The facilitator explains how people and
    their emotions are similar to nature; each has a rhythm. The
    drumstick beat can then be used to connect people’s emotions
    to nature, using different beats depending on unique emotions.
    Parallels can be made to the varying expressions of nature—a
    gentle breeze or a violent storm, for instance.

Processing suggestions

This activity can be metaphorical in multiple ways; therefore,
although there are at least four components of processing, options
are left to the facilitator’s purpose and expertise.
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