Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


  • Place the spindle into the dimple and clamp your flat palms
    on either side of the top of the spindle. (It’s best to sit on the
    ground cross-legged with one foot holding the board still.)

  • Keeping your palms flat begin to spin the spindle back and
    forth between your hands while pushing down.

  • You will notice that your hands move to the base of the spindle;
    as you approach the bottom, reposition your hands (one at a
    time) back at the top. Repeat this process until you begin to see
    smoke and burn a deeper hole into the board.

  • Once you have burned a hole deep and wide enough to
    completely cradle the entire tip of the spindle you may stop.

  • Use your knife or fine tooth saw to cut into the side of
    the  board a wedge-shaped notch (like a pie piece), but not
    all the way to the center (see illustration).

  • Set these materials aside and prepare your fire materials:

̊ Take your dried grass or tree tinder bark and rough them up
until they look like a fine hairball. Form these materials into
a bird nest shape that doesn’t fall apart easily.

̊ Arrange your pine straw or kindling and small sticks to be
easily accessible.
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