Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


I (Melia) would first like to thank my teacher, mentor and friend,
Sally Atkins who braids the Earth, the arts, and ritual into a way
of being that inspires me in my work and life. I would also like to
thank Liz Rose, a founding member of the Appalachian Expressive
Arts Collective. Walks with Liz on her land and along trails in
the Appalachian Mountains have helped me to become intimately
acquainted with the names, stories and medicine that surround me.
Deep gratitude goes also to my family and friends and my partner,
Todd, whose conversation, encouragement and good cooking have
fed my body and spirit throughout this project. Finally, I would like
to thank my graduate assistants, Darcy Wade and Olivia Sullivan, who
provided initial research, ongoing feedback and editorial assistance
throughout our process.

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