The_Official_Raspberry_Pi_-_Beginner’s_Book_Vol1,_2018 (1)

(singke) #1
Appendix B Installing and Uninstalling Software 219


You may find that when you install a single package, other packages are installed alongside
it; these are known as dependencies, packages that the software you chose to install needs
to work – sound effect bundles for a game, for example, or a database to go with a web server.
Once the software is installed, you should be able to find it by clicking on the raspberry
icon to load the menu and finding the software package’s category. Be aware that the menu
category isn’t always the same as the category from the Add/Remove Software Tool, while
some software doesn’t have an entry in the menu at all; this software is known as command-
line software and needs to be run at the Terminal. For more information on the command line
and the Terminal, turn to Appendix C, The command-line interface.

Uninstalling software
To select a package for removal, or uninstallation, find it in the list of packages – the search
function is handy here – and uncheck the box next to it by clicking on it. You can uninstall
more than one package at once: just keep clicking to remove more packages. The icon next to
the package will change to an open box next to a small recycle bin, to confirm that it’s going to
be uninstalled.

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