As before, you can click OK or Apply to begin uninstalling the selected software packages.
You’ll be asked to confirm your password, unless you did so within the last few minutes, and
you may also be prompted to confirm that you want to remove any dependencies relating
to your software package as well. When the uninstallation has finished, the software will
disappear from the raspberry icon menu, but files you created using the software – pictures
for a graphics package, for example, or saves for a game – won’t be removed.
All software installed in Raspbian appears in Add/Remove Software, including software
required for your Raspberry Pi to run. It’s possible to remove enough packages that the desktop
no longer loads. To avoid this, don’t uninstall things unless you’re sure you no longer need them.
If it’s already happened, reinstall Raspbian using the instructions in Chapter 2, Getting started
with your Raspberry Pi, or reinstall NOOBS using Appendix A.