PC World - USA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1
102 PCWorld OCTOBER 2020




ou can speed up your home
Internet connection and Wi-Fi for
cheaper than you’d think. It’s a
need many homes are facing
now, when the pandemic traps both students
and parents under one roof, all trying to work
online at the same time.
Wi-Fi range becomes an especially painful
issue. In our tiny home, spreading out meant
we needed solid signal even in corners of the

house, deck, or yard that never mattered
before. While an Internet drop-out while
surfing the web was no big deal a year ago, a
drop-out during a Zoom call is about as
embarrassing today as showing up to work
with your shirt on inside-out.
Here’s how I sped up our home Wi-Fi and
even coaxed more speed out of our main
Internet connection (with an assist from our
ISP). It takes some smart shopping and DIY

How to speed up your home

Internet and Wi-Fi on the cheap
I doubled our home Wi-Fi performance and saved hundreds. BY GORDON MAH UNG
Free download pdf