Times 2 - UK (2020-10-14)

(Antfer) #1

the times | Wednesday October 14 2020 1GT 9



s everyone surely
knows by now,
Dominic West and
Lily James were
papped at the
weekend sharing
a scooter, taking
in the sights and
getting very close (kissing) at an
outside restaurant table in Rome.
Then yesterday, just as the
Twittersphere was in full meltdown
(it turns out that West is an actor of
special interest to us... not sure that
Eddie Redmayne’s indiscretions would
have had the same effect), West and
his wife came out to meet the press in
the garden of their home in Wiltshire
and told reporters: “Our marriage
is strong and we’re very much still
together,” before handing out a written
statement, signed by them both.
So. Let that be the end of it then.
On the other hand we were all just
slap bang in the middle of exchanging
shock horror texts... “Oh NO!” and
“God, of course he was going to get
caught” and pontificating as to what
exactly would happen next. They may
want to put it all behind them, but
we’re not quite past it yet.
We have theories and a standout
one in particular. You could argue
that being in Rome, in the sunshine,
in a restaurant (mask-free zone) on
the brink of another wave of Covid
restrictions just went to their heads
— a moment of madness.
They are actors after all. You might
wonder (some have) if it was some
kind of put-up job to raise publicity for
the film the two of them are working
on (long shot that one, admittedly).
Or you could come to the obvious
conclusion that James is a very pretty
young actress and West is one of those
men who can’t say no, and we’d sort
of guessed that about him already.
There are men who, instinct
instantly tells you, are more up for it
than others. Their taxi light is almost
always on — they radiate availability
— which is why they are known (they
are now) as Taxi Light Man. It’s not
that they’re necessarily looking for
trouble; they’re not. But force of
habit, a need to spice up the everyday,
a low boredom threshold and —
depending on your point of view — a
reckless romantic spirit or a tendency
to self-sabotage with a side order
of vanity means that they are never
100 per cent not available — even
when they think they are.
Of course Taxi Light Man comes
in several different guises. There’s the

proportion of TLMs than, say,
accountancy or farming.
Age comes into it too. Matt Smith
may have some of the characteristics
of Taxi Light Man, but he’s still too
young and unmarried to be classified
as TLM. Even a stack of marriages
doesn’t automatically make you
TLM — look at someone such as
Rod Stewart. Very much the ladies’
man for a while, he also, apparently,
has the settling down cease-and-desist
gene, so... not a TLM.
Your typical TLM is 50-plus, and
just at that point when you think
they may indeed have given up their
roguish pursuits it turns out they
haven’t, and probably never will.
What really distinguishes TLM
from other men is his — for want of
a better word — charm, or what your
mother used to call a “twinkle’’, or a
“glad eye’’. If you find yourself sitting
next to TLM at dinner you might start
the evening thinking, “Shame I didn’t
get the really fit one,” — and end it
thinking, “He is rather gorgeous and
I think he really gets me.”
This is absolutely key to the appeal
of TLM because what woman would
risk hooking up with a married serial
philanderer if she wasn’t convinced
that she and she alone understood him
and was in turn “seen’’ by him. That’s
the way it works. Of course, if he has

These guys

are in the

business of


people feel


Men who always have their taxi

light on: is Dominic West one?

The actor, 50, has

been pictured

kissing his co-star,

Lily James. No one

is all that shocked,

says Harriet Smith

the come-to-bed eyes and impressive
back catalogue, so much the better.
Also worth noting is that there is a
reasonable chance that TLM’s female
dinner companion will feel the laser
focus of his attention regardless of
whether or not he intended her to.
Not saying they can’t switch it off,
exactly, just that you might get Taxied
almost accidentally.
These guys are in the business of
making people feel special, not just
the cutest girl in the room, and
making them love him back.
Finally, let’s spare a thought for
the man who looks a lot like TLM, but
has nothing but the noblest intentions
For example, Martin Kemp, who
appears like a flashing-eyed bad boy
whom you couldn’t trust as far as you
could throw him, but apparently isn’t
at all. It’s important to be clear that all
hotties in the world of pop and film
don’t go down the road of chasing
skirt, although some do.

I just love women
This is totally harmless
I love my wife and in a way she would
understand this, I think
Christ, how am I going to pay
for all this?
What are the chances of getting
I’ll probably regret this but...
Monogamy is not really for people
like us
I just need to escape once in a while

It was nothing
I can explain
What we have is completely different
I think this has actually been blown
out of proportion
I can change
I will change
I’ll never see her again
You have to understand what it’s
like being away from home
You have to understand the pressure
I’m under
I’m so sorry, it was never meant to
get to this stage
I think someone’s framing me

Unapologetic Seducer — Mick Jagger
would be in that category. Jack
Nicholson was a TLM back in the day;
could still be for all we know. Charles
Dance has a touch of it, don’t you
think? Not that we can prove anything.
Then there’s the bashful, Gah I am
Awful, but Please Love Me sort. That
would be Boris Johnson. Who can
forget the moment Amber Rudd
described him as “the life and soul of
the party but not the one you want
driving you home”, which was clearly
a reference to his ability to lead, but,
given his reputation, everyone took
to be a Not Safe in Taxis dig.
Otherwise, there is the Lost Soul
(baby, maybe you’re the one who could
turn my life around). Ben Affleck
might be in this group, though he is a
bit young for the title, and conceivably
Russell Brand, but it could just be that
he was more of a manic shagger.
And last, but not least, there’s the
Fun, Sexy Guy in Need of Attention
and that’s pretty much the full and
only explanation for his behaviour.
Ewan McGregor (don’t sue us, just
guessing based on the wolfish smile
and rumours) and West spring to mind.
TLMs tend to have a few things
in common: at least one ex-wife, but
also their chosen careers. Politics,
journalism and the entertainment
business tend to attract a higher

Dominic West and
Lily James in 2018.
Above right: West with
his wife, Catherine
FitzGerald, this week

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