Using stock a few inches longer than I needed, and interlocking
the patterns, I was able to get eight corbels from each stack. I cut
the pieces on the band saw, and sanded the curved edges on the
spindle sander before taking the stacks apart. With a^1 ⁄ 8 "-radius
roundover bit in my laminate trimmer, I eased the curved edges
before sanding the corbels.
The corbels are glued to the panels and edges of the stiles. I
used a couple^3 ⁄ 4 "-long 23-gauge headless pins to fasten the wider
part of the corbels to the panels, fi lling the nail holes with some
sawdust and cyanoacrylate glue. I hand sanded the entire cabinet,
and applied three coats of Waterlox wiping varnish before hinging
the lid and putting in the tongue-and-groove bottom.
I used four 2^1 ⁄ 2 "-long, no-mortise hinges for the lid, spacing
them evenly along the top rail of the back of the chest. To hold the
lid in the open position, I used a pair of toy-box supports. Because
the chest was still bottomless, I could lay it on its back on my
bench, and reach inside to position the supports.
Getting to the Bottom
I don’t have a daughter, so this chest will live at the foot of our
bed, holding extra blankets. I placed^3 ⁄ 4 " by^3 ⁄ 4 " cleats around the
perimeter of the bottom, fl ush with the bottom edge of the rails.
The bottom planks are^3 ⁄ 4 "-thick aromatic cedar, held together
with simple tongue-and-
groove joints. I nailed
the bottom planks to the
cleats at the edges and
ends. The cedar is left
unfi nished.
In the end, this chest
has a clean, contemporary
look with classic propor-
tions. Changing the mate-
rial may have disguised
its origin, but the strength of the design shines through. Good
design, after all, is timeless.
Assembling the front and back panels fi rst simplifi es the fi nal assembly –
putting the sides together results in a completed case.
The assembled chest is fl ipped upright, the corners are checked for square
and the case is clamped.
A s t ac k of f o u r b lan k s h e ld t o g et h e r w i t h d o u b le - sid e d t ap e y ie ld s e ig ht
matching corbels.
After cutting, the edges are sanded with the stack still stuck together.
The difference in thickness between the corbel and the adjacent stile and
r ail ad d s v isual int e r e s t.
800-279-4441 |
2 pair X bronze no-mortise hinges
#28696, $3.99/pair
1 X RH lid support
#26229, $10.29
1 X LH lid support
#26195, $10.29
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