The Economist - USA (2020-10-17)

(Antfer) #1

24 United States The EconomistOctober 17th 2020

2 ThousandsofHasidimwhocaughtthe
virusdonated theirplasmaforantibody
hadtobreakupa largefuneralheldfora
The city closedseveral yeshivas, Jewish
schools, for flouting social-distancing
thodoxJewssuggesta widespreadbutmis-
Similarmisinformation spreadlast year
duringa measlesoutbreakina Hasidicen-
lege,points out that theHasidim are a
particularlyinsularsectwitha strongmis-

tainedinmicro-clusters,it willbuildintoa
citement to riot. Mr Cuomo reminded
nefesh, theJewishprinciplethatthepreser-
tosavea lifeandnotendangerothers.” 7


ometimes senatorsdecide matters of
national importance, such as confirm-
ing a Supreme Court justice, or whether to
convict an impeached president. Some-
times their concerns are more prosaic. At a
ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new bell
tower in Auburn, Susan Collins, a Republi-
can seeking a fifth term as Maine’s senator,
reminds guests that she helped secure
$246,000 for the surrounding infrastruc-
ture. The previous day in Waterville, Mike
Roy, the city manager, said Ms Collins se-
cured funding to help improve its centre.
Ms Collins’s Democratic opponent, Sara
Gideon, the speaker of Maine’s House of
Representatives, hopes that national con-
cerns prevail. At an outdoor dinner be-
neath a tent in Farmington, she told the
crowd that “we feel very left behind” by Ms
Collins’s “ side with” Donald
Trump and Mitch McConnell. She discuss-
ed the Supreme Court and health care, and
won applause for deriding the amount of
money in politics and proposing a lifetime
ban on members of Congress becoming
lobbyists. Mr Trump currently trails his
Democratic opponent by more than 13
points in Maine, so Ms Gideon’s strategy—
lashing Ms Collins to Mr Trump—makes
sense. It also appears to be working: she
leads Ms Collins, who won her last Senate
race by 37 points, by 3.6. If that lead holds,
Democrats will celebrate: they would prob-
ably need Ms Collins’s seat to retake the
Senate. In time, they may also come to rue
the extinction of her kind of Republican.

Maine tends to elect centrist senators.
William Cohen, a Republican, served in Bill
Clinton’s cabinet. Olympia Snowe, like Ms
Collins, was a pro-choice Republican. An-
gus King, who serves with Ms Collins, is
one of just two Independents in the Senate.
And Ms Collins stresses her centrist cre-
dentials, often reminding Mainers that an
annual study from Georgetown University
has ranked her as the Senate’s most biparti-
san member for seven consecutive years.
Ms Gideon argues that this reputation is
outdated—that Ms Collins “has lost her

way”, is “putting someone else’s interests
above ours”, and has become a rubber-
stamp for the right. Though no Senate Re-
publican has voted with Mr Trump less of-
ten than Ms Collins, she has become fam-
ous, in a country split between two camps,
for her habit of neither condemning nor
supporting the president. Many Mainers
are still cross about her vote to confirm
Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Te-
resa Forster, who drove down to Farming-
ton from a nearby town to see Ms Gideon,
had previously supported Ms Collins, but “I
didn’t like her vote, and I didn’t like her
apology. She’s trying to have it both ways.”
The backlash to that vote sparked a wave
of donations. Even before Ms Gideon won
the nomination, national liberal groups
had raised millions for Ms Collins’s chal-
lenger. Ms Collins complains about out-of-
state money, of which Ms Gideon has more,
while Ms Gideon criticises Ms Collins for
taking corporate donations, but both can-
didates keep writing cheques—with
spending already reaching $100m, this race
is the most expensive in Maine’s history.
Ms Gideon has made inroads among the
sorts of independent-minded women who
had long supported Ms Collins alongside
Democratic candidates—in 2008, for in-
stance, Barack Obama won Maine by 17
points, while Ms Collins saw off a Demo-
cratic challenger by 23—forcing Ms Collins
to shore up her right flank. But she is het-
erodox, deliberative and socially liberal,
making her an awkward fit for a Trumpified
Republican Party.
Wave elections tend to wash party mod-
erates out to sea. If Ms Collins is among the
Republicans looking for a raft on Novem-
ber 4th, few Democratic tears will fall. But
Mainers might miss what she does for
them locally and the Senate her willing-
ness to cross the aisle. The country might
miss New England Republicanism.^7

Maine’s Senate race reflects the declining appeal of bipartisanship

Elections in Maine

Shaken Collins

The campaign in Maine turns largely on the blame
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