Photoshop User - USA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1

[ 29 ]

Step 12: Now let’s add our moon.
Yes, it will be unrealistically large, but
it will look cool! Anyway, any good
moon shot will do. Naturally, we
found this one on Adobe Stock. You
can click here to download the low-
res preview, and then double-click
the image in the Libraries panel to
open it in Photoshop.
Go under the Select menu and
choose Subject. Since the back-
ground is black, it will easily select the
moon. Once selected, use the Move
tool to drag it into the main image,
and position it between the ground
and sky layers in the Layers panel.
Then use Free Transform to scale and
position it to fit the composition.

Step 13: Back in the Layers panel,
click on the 3D tree layer to make it
active. In the 3D panel, choose Envi-
ronment. Then over in the Properties
panel, go under the Ground Plane
settings and set the Shadow Opac-
ity to 75%. Also go up to the top of
the panel and turn off the IBL (Image
Based Light). This will “turn off the
lights” in the scene except for the
Point Light, which is now giving us a
much more dramatic shadow.

©Adobe Stock/David Woods

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